nevada veterinary board complaints

On June 1, 2018, the Nevada State Board of Medical Examiners accepted and approved a Settlement Agreement which allowed for an order to be entered finding Dr. Kaplan violated NRS 630.301(9), as set forth in Count I of the Complaint in Case No. Box 2649. On December 6, 2019, the Nevada State Board of Medical Examiners accepted and approved a Settlement Agreement which allowed for an order to be entered finding Dr. Choi violated NRS 630.306(1)(b)(2), as set forth in the First Amended Complaint, and ordering that he pay a $1,000.00 fine; complete 10 hours of CME, in addition to his statutory CME requirements for licensure; and reimburse the Boards fees and costs incurred in the investigation and prosecution of the case against him. Count I of the First the Nevada State Board of Medical Examiners accepted and approved a Settlement On June 4, 2021, the Nevada State Board of Medical Examiners accepted and approved a Settlement Agreement which allowed an order to be entered finding Dr. Chung violated NRS 630.301(4) and NRS 630.3062(1)(a), as set forth in the Complaint, and ordered that he receive a public reprimand; pay a fine of $2,500.00; complete ten hours of continuing medical education (CME), in addition to his statutory CME requirements for licensure; and reimburse the Boards fees and costs incurred in the investigation and prosecution of the case against him. Dr. Martell entered into a Stipulation for Settlement with the Board, and the Board accepted Dr. Martell's irrevocable voluntary surrender of his license to practice medicine in the state of Nevada while under investigation. The Board ordered that Dr. Fox be publicly reprimanded; that he shall, within one year of the acceptance of the Settlement Agreement, complete 20 hours of Continuing Medical Education (CME) regarding the subject of prenatal care, to be approved by the IC Chairman in advance of their accomplishment and in addition to any CME requirements regularly imposed as a condition of licensure; that he shall reimburse the Board the reasonable costs and expenses incurred in the matter and that he be fined in the amount of $5,000.00. Always ask for violated NRS 630.3062(1), as alleged in the underlying Complaint. The Board accepted Dr. Lodi's surrender of his license to practice medicine in Nevada while under investigation. 630.306(1)(b)(1) (2 counts), NRS 630.306(1)(b)(2) (9 counts), NRS 630.306(1)(e) On March 11, 2011, the Nevada State Board of Medical Examiners approved, accepted and adopted a Settlement Agreement which allowed for an order to be entered finding Dr. Beecham violated NRS 630.301(4), as set forth in the Complaint, and ordering that Dr. Beecham reimburse the Board its reasonable costs and expenses incurred in the investigation and prosecution of the case. get any answers from him or her, the staff, the techs, or anybody else on On December 3, 2021, the Nevada State Board of Medical Examiners accepted and approved a Settlement Agreement which allowed for an order to be entered finding Dr. Truong violated NAC 630.230(1)(i), as set forth in the First Amended Complaint, and ordering that he receive a public reprimand; pay a fine of $2,000.00; complete 15 hours of Continuing Medical Education (CME), in addition to his statutory CME requirements for licensure; and reimburse the Boards fees and costs incurred in the investigation and prosecution of the case against him. You must submit proof of the required CME/CE with your application for reinstatement. On September 7, 2018, the Nevada State Board of Medical Examiners accepted and approved a Settlement Agreement which allowed for an order to be entered finding Dr. Weingrow violated NRS 630.306(1)(b)(2) (5 counts), NRS 630.3062(1)(a) (3 counts), NRS 630.301(9), NRS 630.306(1)(b)(1), NRS 630.306(1)(r) and NRS 630.306(1)(b)(3), as set forth in Counts II, III, VI, VIII, X, XII, XIII, XVI, XVII, XVIII, XX and XXII of the Complaint, and ordering that he receive a public reprimand; that his license to practice medicine in Nevada be revoked, with the revocation stayed and Dr. Weingrow's license placed on probation for a period of time not to exceed 36 months, subject to various terms and conditions, including payment of a fine of $1,000.00 per count, for a total of $12,000.00, completion of 20 hours of CME, in addition to his statutory CME requirements for licensure, and reimbursement of the Boards fees and costs incurred in the investigation and prosecution of the case against him. exploring the possibility of a civil lawsuit, even in small claims court. considered nothing more than property, but there have been some inroads made On June 2, 2017, the Nevada State Board of Medical Examiners accepted and approved a Settlement Agreement which allowed for an order to be entered finding Dr. Pak violated NRS 630.301(3) and NRS 630.306(1)(k), as set forth in the Complaint, and ordering that he receive a public reprimand and reimburse the Boards fees and costs incurred in the investigation and prosecution of the case against him. Count I of the Complaint was dismissed. Box 7249 The Board further ordered that Count II of the Complaint be dismissed. The Board ordered that Dr. Mahakian receive a public reprimand; that he complete a course of continuing medical education (CME) on the topic of Ethics, to be pre-approved by the Investigative Committee Chair, to be in addition to any other CME required as a condition of licensure, and to be completed within 6 months of the Board's acceptance, adoption and approval of the settlement agreement; that he pay a fine of $3,000; and that he reimburse the Board's costs and expenses incurred in the investigation and prosecution of the case against him, both the fine and costs payable within 60 days of the Board's acceptance, adoption and approval of the settlement agreement. On September 11, 2020, the Nevada State Board of Medical Examiners accepted and approved a Settlement Agreement which allowed for an order to be entered finding Dr. Fleisher violated NRS 630.3062(1)(a), as set forth in the Complaint, and ordering that he receive a public reprimand; that his license to practice medicine in Nevada be placed in Inactive status; and that he reimburse the Boards fees and costs incurred in the investigation and prosecution of the case against him, with the order for reimbursement of fees and costs stayed until such time as he applies for a change of licensure status from Inactive to Active.. Ticker Tape by TradingView. The public reprimand ordered in the previous Order of 12-11-98 was confirmed as having been issued. He further agrees not to request a change of status to active at any time from the date of the Boards acceptance, adoption and approval of the Settlement Agreement through June 30, 2023. The Investigative Committee of the Nevada State Board of Medical Examiners summarily suspended Dr. Barry's medical license until further order of the Investigative Committee. NC *Please note that some documents that are not currently available online may become available at a later date.*. dispose of the substances by any other means. On December 1, 2017, the Nevada State Board of Medical Examiners found, by a preponderance of the evidence, that Dr. Virden violated NRS 630.301(4) (four counts), as alleged in the underlying Complaint. Upon completion of all probationary terms, Dr. Weingrow may apply to the Board to change his license status to "Active." moved for leave to file a motion for reconsideration of the Order Granting On March 6, 2015, the Nevada State Board of Medical Examiners accepted and approved a Settlement Agreement which allowed for an order to be entered finding Dr. Philander violated Nevada Revised Statute 630.3062(1), as set forth in Count I of the Complaint against him, and ordering that he receive a public reprimand and reimburse the Boards fees and costs incurred in the investigation and prosecution of the case against him, payable within 60 days of the Boards acceptance, adoption and approval of the Agreement. Counts I, II, III, V and VII of the Amended Complaint are dismissed. Gross violated NRS 630.301(9) and NRS 630.301(11)(g), as set forth in Counts II and III of the Complaint, and ordering the following: that his license to practice medicine in the State of Nevada be suspended, with the suspension immediately stayed and his license placed on probation for a period of 48 months from the date of the Board's acceptance, adoption and approval of the Agreement, subject to various terms and conditions, including the following: he shall receive a public reprimand; pay a total fine in the amount of $5,000; complete 20 hours of Continuing Medical Education (CME), in addition to his statutory CME requirements for licensure; he shall perform 300 hours of community service without compensation; he shall successfully complete all requirements as established by the U.S. District Court Central District of California in Case No. 9. On February 3, 2011, results from said screens were received which indicated that Ms. Atkins had tested positive for methamphetamine as well as codeine and hydrocodone in her hair and Tramadol in her urine. The Board revoked Dr. Adamson's license to practice medicine in the state of Nevada. The mission of the Veterinary Board of Governors is to protect the health, safety, and welfare of the public and their animals by regulating the competency and quality of veterinary healthcare providers and facilities. Resources for Small Business Entrepreneurs in 2022. Count I of the Complaint was dismissed with prejudice. Dr. Washinsky shall immediately use E-prescribing protocols as set forth in NRS 639.23535, which requires a prescription for a controlled substance must be given to a pharmacy by electronic transmission in accordance with the regulations adopted by the Nevada Board of Pharmacy, and Dr. Washinsky shall be subject to unannounced inspections and random monitoring of his prescribing controlled substances to his patients. (1 count), NRS 630.306(1)(p) (3 counts), NRS 630.3062(1) (now set forth as NRS Complaints only: 1.800.821.3205 The Board ordered that Dr. Luh pay a fine of $500; that Dr. Luh, shall at his own expense, attend, within one year of the acceptance, adoption and approval of the Settlement Agreement, six (6) hours of continuing medical education, to be pre-approved by the Chairman of the Investigative Committee and to be in addition to any other continuing medical education required as a condition of licensure; and Dr. Luh will reimburse the Board 50% of the reasonable costs and expenses incurred in the investigation and prosecution of the matter, with all fines and costs to be paid to the Board within one-hundred-twenty (120) days of the acceptance, adoption and approval of the Settlement Agreement. Counts II and III of the Complaint were dismissed with prejudice. Some states NRS and ordering that the stay of revocation instituted pursuant to the aforementioned On September 16, 2022, the Nevada State Board of Medical Examiners accepted and approved a Settlement Agreement which allowed for an order to be entered finding Dr. Kilpatrick violated NAC 630.210, as set forth in the Complaint, and ordering the following: that he receive a public reprimand; that he pay a fine in the amount of $1,000; and that he reimburse the Boards fees and costs incurred in the investigation and prosecution of the case against him. or any other group can discipline a vet; filing a complaint with any of those Mr. Dunetz shall remain in full compliance with the Diversion Program including any recommendations to address substance abuse, including alcohol, illicit drugs and prescription medication, as well as anger management and violence, domestic or otherwise, and shall obtain a twelve step sponsor and provide the name and phone number of that person, or any subsequent person acting as his twelve step sponsor to the Board Compliance Officer. AVMA Principles of Ethics. On April 13, 2018, the Nevada State Board of Medical Examiners accepted and approved a Settlement Agreement which allowed for an order to be entered finding Dr. Gurland violated NRS 630.301(3), as set forth in Count I of the Complaint, and ordered that he receive a public reprimand; pay a $500.00 fine; complete 1 hour of CME, in addition to his statutory CME requirements for licensure; and reimburse the Boards fees and costs incurred in the investigation and prosecution of the case against him. The hospital opened with 2 full time Subsequent failure to pass FLEX II required revocation per stipulation. Therefore, the Board found that the dismissal of Count Two did not change the costs associated with Count One. The Agreement recognized Dr. Burstein's voluntary decision to cease treating chronic pain patients and limit his medical practice to family practice only, thereby prescribing pain medications only in conjunction with family practice management and having a reasonable transition time for his pain patients that is up to and including ninety (90) days from execution of this Agreement by Dr. Burstein. Count I of the Complaint was dismissed with prejudice. 19-28023-1, NRS 630.3065(3), NRS 630.306(1)(b)(3), NRS On September 11, 2015, the Nevada State Board of Medical Examiners accepted and approved a Settlement Agreement which allowed for an order to be entered finding that Dr. Landsman violated NRS 630.306(11), as set forth in Count III of the Complaint, and ordering that he receive a public reprimand, pay a fine of $1,000 and reimburse the Boards fees and costs incurred in the investigation and prosecution of the case against him. Counts III and IV of the Complaint shall be dismissed. counts), NRS 630.301(9) (1 count), NRS 630.304(1) (1 count), NRS A Settlement, Waiver and Consent Agreement was approved and accepted by the Nevada State Board of Medical Examiners, whereby the Board entered an order finding that Dr. Lewis violated NRS 630.301(3) and ordering that he receive a public reprimand and reimburse the costs of investigation and prosecution of the matter, payable within 60 days of the Board's acceptance and approval of the Settlement Agreement. General Questions Email: [email protected] File a Complaint If you wish to file a complaint with the Board regarding a licensee, further information is available at Nevada State Board of Pharmacy 985 Damonte Ranch Pkwy Ste 206 Reno Nevada 89521 (775) 850-1440 [email protected] A Settlement, Waiver and Consent Agreement was approved and accepted by the Nevada State Board of Medical Examiners, whereby Dr. Thielman, by not contesting, agreed that an Order be entered finding that he committed one (1) violation of the Medical Practice Act of the State of Nevada. Charged with conviction of a felony, bankruptcy fraud in the state of California, and action taken against his medical license in the state of California. The Nevada State Board of Medical Examiners accepted Dr. Cecil's voluntary, irrevocable surrender of his Nevada license to practice medicine while under investigation. 12. The Board entered its order finding that Dr. Ahmed committed two counts of malpractice, violations of NRS 630.301(4); and two counts of failure to maintain timely, legible, accurate and complete medical records, violations of NRS 630.3062(1). [email protected] | Contact the Board. On March 3, 2017, the Nevada State Board of Medical Examiners accepted and approved a Settlement Agreement which allowed for an order to be entered finding Mr. Schmidt violated Nevada Revised Statute 630.3062(1), as set forth in the Complaint against him, and ordering that he receive a public reprimand, complete 3 hours of CME, in addition to his statutory CME requirements for licensure, and reimburse the Boards fees and costs incurred in the investigation and prosecution of the case against him. Charged with malpractice. The Board Ordered that Dr. Hamwi's license to practice medicine is hereby suspended until further Order of the Board; Dr. Hamwi shall reimburse the Board all costs and fees incurred in the amount of $4,757.56, and he shall pay a fine in the amount of $2,000.00 within one year from the date of service of the Order. The Board ORDERED that: Dr Schmerler's licensed is REVOKED; shall pay a fine of $5,000.00 for each Count ($10,000.00 total on all Counts); shall pay all costs incurred by the BOARD in the amount of $7, 296.52. Oaths of appointive members 638.040 . If Dr. Torres does complete all terms of probation prior to the termination of the 12-month probation period, his probation will be deemed to have been completed. The Board ordered that Dr. Zarka receive a public reprimand; that he complete 10 hours of continuing medical education (CME) on the topic of medical recordkeeping, to be pre-approved by the Investigative Committee Chair, to be in addition to any other CME required as a condition of licensure, and to be completed within 1 year of the Board's acceptance, adoption and approval of the settlement agreement. Unfortunately, The Board entered into a Stipulation for Settlement with Dr. Martell and ordered that his license be restricted and he is prohibited from engaging in or performing any procedure whatsoever for termination of pregnancy. However, you may wish to copy them on your Some of these people are extremely adept and The Investigative Committee (IC) of the Nevada State Board of Medical Examiners summarily suspended the license of David Lynn Packer, M.D., pursuant to Nevada Revised Statute 630.326(1), based upon his failure to appear at an IC-ordered evaluation. Section 638.240 - General requirements; Section 638.245 - Confidentiality of proceedings after filing of complaint; investigations; Make your practice more effective and efficient with Casetext's legal research suite. 98-5652-2 of his inability to practice medicine with reasonable skill and safety because of the use of alcohol, drugs, narcotics or any other substance and he admitted the allegations that he rendered professional services to a patient while he was under the influence of alcohol, drugs, narcotics or any other substance; 2) there will be no hearing on the Complaint in Case No. The Board further ordered that Counts I, II and III of the Complaint be dismissed. explaining to the board investigators why and how that happened. On June 10, 2022, the Nevada State Board of Medical Examiners accepted and approved a Settlement Agreement which allowed for an order to be entered finding that Ms. Albo violated NRS 630.306(1)(p), as set forth in the Complaint, and ordering the following: that she receive a public reprimand; that she pay a fine in the amount of $500.00; that she complete four hours of continuing medical education (CME), in addition to her statutory CME requirements to maintain licensure in the State of Nevada; and that she reimburse the Boards fees and costs incurred in the investigation and prosecution of the case against her.

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