what is a true bill in commerce

ANYTOWN,ANY STATE WITH A ZIP Provides a brief summary on the differences in bodies of law by definition In other words, when a grand jury hears evidence to determine whether or not a person may have committed a crime and comes to the conclusion that the evidence does not support the issuance of an indictment, a no bill or no true bill decision is made. is a corporation . All this means is that the conflict between affidavits are now fought out in the open. . "9. There is no legal issue or dispute possible which is not a function of one or more of these principles. . 73- Business intelligence (BI) is focused upon helping your organization use its own data to reach its _______________. Collection, and How To Calculate Your Damages. We the People no longer have any "money." In criminal law, "true bill" is a term that is used in criminal law to refer to a decision of a grand jury endorsing that an indictment is issued against a person after having seen evidence suggesting that a person may have committed a crime. The "government" or specifically the INTERNAL REVENUE SERVICE keeps d. Application for Social Security # 570508194 Gives you a warm fuzzy feeling inside doesnt it? This is your first Affidavit, certified and sworn on the responsible party's commercial liability as true, correct, and complete, not meant to mislead. On this blog, I provide you with golden nuggets of information about lawyers, attorneys, the law and legal theories. It can help you track, analyze and adjust your monthly budget to better align with your financial goals. This is a ledgering or bookkeeping/accounting, with every entry established. UCC-104 states : "Construction against implicit repeal. Re: Non-Negotiable Charge Back . These contracts binding us together with the United States and the bankers are actually not with us, but with our artificial entity, or as they term it "person", which appears to be us but spelled with ALL CAPITAL LETTERS. A true bill in commerce always contains, and is characterized by, a one-to-one correspondence between an item or service purchased and a debt owed. The first order of law is Natural Law. . Sincerely, ______________________ The most fundamental law of all human law has to do with survival which is a Universal Principal. Public Law 94-564, page 8, Section H. R. 13955 reads in part:"The U.S. Secretary of Treasury receives no compensation for representing the United States?". Indebtedness. Authority to Represent. However, more about this will be outlined later in this course. What most people don't even consider is that governments don't have and can't have anything to support an affidavit of truth to support their actions. 1. Few of our elected representatives in Washington, D.C. have dared to tell the truth. Our content is intended to be used for general information purposes only. These procedures will be detailed in Course 5. . Origin Circa 17th century Purpose of a Grand Jury A grand jury is used in the U.S. to protect people from unjustifiable and unfair prosecution. The collection process is relatively valid, although the IRS is not registered to do business in any state. The security interest established by this Agreement will continue until the Secured Party is relieved of all liability associated with said services provided to the Debtor, and until all owing and due consideration to the Secured Party has been delivered, regardless of whether the Collateral identified in this Agreement is in the possession of the Debtor or the Secured Party. Fill in the blanks appropriately. Federal Reserve Notes (FRN's) made no such promises, and are not "money." It is important to list all of the contracts that you have signed for your strawman such as the Drivers License, Social Security Number, Marriage license, Passport, etc. The Truebill team claims an 85% success rate. Commercial processes are non-judicial. These powers-that-be have not divulged the rules of the game. The Lien Right of a Lien must be expressed in the form of an Affidavit sworn true, correct and complete, with positive identification of the Affiant. Debtor hereby indemnifies Secured Party from all harm as expressed in the attached Indemnity Bond, incorporated herein as if fully set forth within this Security Agreement. In the United States, thats precisely what needs to be done before criminally indicting someone. This is a ledgering or bookkeeping/accounting, with every entry established. Liquidation of Collateral. This is held in suspension until the issue is resolved. Judges even think all this doesn't matter because they can get another judge to remove all your paperwork against them. Applicable Law. The only one who has any capacity or right or responsibility or knowledge to rebut your Affidavit of Truth is the one who is adversely affected by it. Paul H ONeill or Office Holder These can include maintenance fees for your savings account and optional gratuity when getting a pay advance. You can assert in your affidavit, "I have never been presented with any sworn affidavits that would provide validity to your assessment. US Department of the Treasury The National Conference of Commissioners on Uniform State Laws together with the American Law Institute drafted Nation-wide Uniform Laws and each state has now adopted these laws. (4), which related to enforcement by the Interstate Commerce Commission, was struck out. But wait! Most notable of the executives charged by true bills include: Star Athletica, L.L.C. We will go into detail on this in the 5th Course Contracts, but first you need to accept these contracts by claiming the fictitious entity the state created when you were born. It's his job, his right, his responsibility to speak for himself. Please adjust the Undersigneds Treasury Direct Account and send a summary statement of said adjusted account to the Undersigned within thirty (30) days of receipt of this NOTICE. Now that you have the bill, the evidenced the debt, you need to discharge it. UCC-9- 105(h); An agreement granting a creditor a security interest in personal property, which security interest is normally perfected either by the creditor taking possession of the collateral or by filing financing statements in the proper public records. A commercial lien (or distress) can exist in ordinary commerce without dependence on a judicial process, and is therefore not a common law instrument unless challenged in a court of common law, whereupon it converts to a common law lien. COMMERCE. Such grand jury investigations take place behind closed doors, testimony being kept secret, in order to encourage witnesses to testify freely. All courts in America are Vice-admiralty courts in the Crowns private commerce. 13:8 ).Truth is sovereign -- and the Sovereign tells only the truth. Direct Account within thirty(30) days of receipt of this instrument, shall constitute confirmation that said Means: (A) a federal corporation . Please charge back _____________________ to the JOHN HENORY DOES Treasury Direct Account # R987654321-123456789, Deducting the fees necessary to secure and register this tax exempt priority exchange for the purpose of discharging a public liability, for this priority exchange to discharge the public liability. Someone has to take responsibility for saying that it is a real situation. The words true bill are endorsed on the bill of indictment, which is then signed by the grand jury foreperson, indicating that there is enough evidence to justify a trial. Copy only the Financing Statement NOT the entire Security Agreement and attachments. f. United States of America Passport # 051870157 Unless waived by Secured Party, all proceeds and products from the disposition of the Collateral, for whatever reason, shall be held in trust for Secured Party and shall not be commingled with any other accounts or funds without the consent of the Secured Party. Truebill uses bank-level encryption to protect your information, andit doesn't sell your financial data. . Possibly, but what if it is a verbal agreement? Liens for services or material provided . One reason why the super rich bankers and the super rich people in the world have been able to literally steal the world and subjugate it, and plunder it, and bankrupt it and make chattel property out of most of us is because they know and use the rules of Commercial Law and we don't. The following is a quote from the BANK OFFICERS HANDBOOK OF COMMERCIAL BANKING LAW WITHIN THE UNITED STATES, sixth edition, paragraph 22.01(1) and pertains to certain types of transactions: "There are twelve transactions to which the UCC does not apply. Common law gave rise to the jury system and many writs and processes which governments have absorbed and statutized and made into rules and regulation processes in courts. Amendments. Debtor agrees to pay all applicable taxes, assessments, and liens upon the Collateral when due; provided that such taxes, assessments, and liens are proved to be superior to the lawful claim established by this Agreement and subsequently perfected by the Secured Party by appropriate registration. A commercial lien does not require a court process for its establishment. Because we don't know the rules, nor use them, we don't know what the game is. So if the state has created this "unincorporated corporation" then does it have authority over it? THIS IS THE REMEDY. It's also stated as "to maintain the peace and dignity of the State." Inflation is an invisible form of taxation that irresponsible governments inflict on their citizens. ANYHOUSE IN SOME TOWN This means your affidavit stands as truth in commerce. While you are at the copy place, take your UCC-1 and make a copy of it also. Truebill has two main products: its app and the Truecard credit card. . IN COMMERCE FOR ANY MATTER TO BE RESOLVED MUST BE EXPRESSED. It is my best and considered judgment that no such paperwork or affidavit exists." This term, for me, gave me quite a problem in understanding when first encountered. An example. Paul H ONeill , Secretary This consists of printing out the page that says Non-Negotiable CHARGEBACK on it. Please take the Undersigneds Bankers Acceptance of the attached Article Seven receipt, in exchange for the tax exempt priority. A link has directed you to this review. Filing the UCC-1 is actually more for your benefit than for anyone else because it makes this esoteric, intangible subject more real to you and gives you confidence, and that gain alone is worth every bit of the effort expended. In addition to defrauding the People by using "Words of Art" to change the meanings of words, the IRS also uses the Uniform Commercial Code (U.C.C.) Real Estate interests . Copyrights by MoorishNationalityNavigations. Now do you comprehend why you feel broke? Notice of such proceeds shall be delivered to Secured Party immediately upon receipt. Compliance with Law. "6. This affidavit is usually required for an application for a driver's license, and IRS form 1040, a voters registration, a direct Treasury Account, a Notary's "Copy Certification" or certifying a document, and on nearly every single document that the system desires others to be bound or obligated. In the past 30 days, Rocket Money has had 67 airings and earned an airing rank of #2,081 with a spend ranking of #2,034 as compared to all other advertisers. We the People have exchanged one master for another. That means for every single violation of the Constitution, or commercial law, there could be 35 or 40 of these just in Title 18. They are summary processes (short, concise-without a jury). .Uniform Commercial Code, Commercial Lien, What is a True Bill in Commerce? Now this sounds much better. Unless displaced by the particular provisions of this code, the principles of law and equity, including the law merchant and the law relative to capacity to contract, principle and agent, estopple, fraud, misrepresentation, duress, coercion, mistake, bankruptcy, or other validating or invalidating cause shall supplement its provisions. Uniformity of law is essential in this area for the interstate transaction of business. The company eventually was forced into bankruptcy, and during the investigation authorities learned of a pattern of illegal conduct undertaken by a number of Enrons top executives. All rights reserved under UCC 1-308. L. 102-550 effective as if included in the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation Improvement Act of 1991, Pub. "4. For full source code, installation instructions, You can also track your credit score, create a budget and more with Truebill. d. Copy of birth certificate with CHARGEBACK stamp Wake up America! Why does it feel like you are working harder and harder and getting less and less? More specifically, commerce consists of a mode of interacting, doing business, or resolving disputes whereby all matters are executed under oath, certified on each patty's commercial liability by sworn affidavit, or what is intended to possess the same effect, as true, correct, and complete, not misleading, the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth. Pennsylvania was the first state to adopt the UCC (July 1954), and Louisiana the last (January 1, 1975). With FRN's, you can only discharge a debt. All has already been transferred as payment to the international bankers. And no one is taking any liability, responsibility nor accountability. 2. 4:16; Phil. It is very important to do your own analysis before making any investment based on your own personal circumstances and consult with your own investment, financial, tax and legal advisers. "3. Execution of this Security Agreement incorporates a promise that the Debtor will execute such commercial forms, including but not limited to such Financing Statements as may be necessary, to assure the Secured Partys interest is perfected. Also reserve a number that will become your TREASURY POSTED REGISTERED ACCOUNT. The assessment phase in the IRS is non-existent, it is a complete fraud. It is important you refer to this man by his name such as "Paul ONeill", as you cannot deal with a fiction while in the private venue. It was never intended to regulate people the soverans. We value your privacy. The number will consist of the registered number that is printed on the red registered mail sticker you get from the Post Office, plus your social security number with NO dashes. A true bill in commerce always contains, and is characterized by, a one-to-one correspondence between an item or service purchased and a debt owed. They can't hide behind the skirts of the corporate state, this fictional entity created by man to be able to engage in perfidious actions which you would not otherwise be able by virtue of Natural and Moral Law. Barron's 3rd. Another term for no bill is a bill of ignoramus. Charge Treasury Direct Account #R987654321-123456789 of the Undersigned for appropriate registration fees and command the memory of account number 123456789 to charge the same to the Debtors Order, or to Respondents Order. The Parties, hereinafter "Parties", are identified as follows: John Henry Doe, a man 8. garnishment of Debtors deposit accounts or employment. However, other features require you to buy a Premium membership or pay in other ways. Definition of True Bill Noun A bill of indictment, handed down by a grand jury, stating there is sufficient evidence to justify prosecution of the defendant. FRN's are an inflatable paper system designed to create debt through inflation (devaluation of currency). Such means of signing is an oath, or Commercial Affidavit, executed under penalty of perjury, "true. The purpose of these "municipalities" [L munus service, gift, exchange + capere to take; to take service and exchange] is to "govern" fictitious entities such as JOHN DOE and K-MART not to regulate people. Let's look at power of acceptance. However, this is where things get very interesting. When the criminal defendant is formally charged, it will then have the right to retain the services of a defense attorney (or not) and defend itself against the accusations. They cannot and never will provide you with this. I think you know the answer. Governments invent all the regulations and statutes to impose on you, affecting your life and commercial/economic standing. Maintenance of Collateral. unincorporated federal territories, national parks forest, birth certificates, and nonprofit organizations, as collateral against the federal debt. disclaimer I don'. Potentially countless commercial transactions can be consummated based on the current UCC at any time. This is the beginning , and this is the end. With the Constitutional Republican form of Government now dissolved, the receivers of the Bankruptcy have adopted a new form of government for the United States. A 'conditional acceptance' is in effect a statement that the offeree [this is you] is willing to enter into a bargain differing in some respects from that proposed in the original offer. Truebills Premium membership is more robust, offering everything available for free and adding features such as: It also offers other features. "5. It is based upon treating or dealing with others the way that you would like to be treated or dealt with. . Posted Certified: Account # R987654321, Employer Identification Number: 123456789, Charge Back The collection aspect is based in International commerce that has existed for more than 6000 years. The primary users of commercial law and those who best understand and codified it in Western Civilization are the Jews. All statements in this instrument are important to the Parties. The lender underwriter bears the risks, and the Maritime law compelling specific performance in paying the interest, or premiums are the same. A statement of what is owed is, in common language, a bill. At the time of publishing, Truebill has helped its over 2 million users save more than $100 million and cancel over 1 million subscriptions. How can they sware as fact that the corporation has done or not done ANYTHING? Rocket Money has a freemium business model: their goal is to convert you from a free user to a paying customer. Assignment for claims fore wages . Commerce. . In the event of conflict between a deleted section and a current section, the deleted section controls. This is an undeclared economic war. . Most Americans have not been paid any "money" for a very long time, perhaps not in their entire life. Debtor may elect to continue pursuit of dispute of such taxes, assessments, and liens, only upon production of a surety bond by public claimant(s), in favor of the Secured Party, sufficient to protect Secured Party from loss, including all costs and fees associated with such dispute. Capacity of offeree [that's you again, the offeree] upon acceptance of terms of offer, to create a binding contract. The United States of America is lawfully the possession of the English Crown per original commercial joint venture agreement between the colonies and the Crown, and the Constitution, which brought all the states (only) back under British ownership and rule. Use this page to browse bills in the U.S. Congress related to the subject Commerce, as determined by the Library of Congress. 6. A true bill indictment does not mean that the defendant is found guilty of the charges and convicted but rather that the grand jury agrees with the prosector that perhaps a person may have violated criminal laws. There is even a more effective way of getting you equity back Involuntary Bankruptcy! Governments allegedly exist to resolve disputes, conflicts and truth. All this will simply do them more harm. We value your privacy. h. Personal Treasury Direct Account # R 792 407 568 - 570508194. A document designed to notify third parties, generally prospective buyers or lenders, that there may be an enforceable security interest in the property of the debtor; It is merely evidence of the creation of a security interest, and usually is not itself a security agreement; The financing statement is filed by the security holder with the Secretary of State, or similar public body, and as such becomes public record. And that is embarrassing to them because they are not going to change anything. If I accept their offer with a conditional acceptance, I now have a counter offer to make back to them. The Federal Reserve System, is based on the Canon law and the principles of sovereignty protected in the Constitution and the Bill of Rights. "No one is above the law". is a corporation . Narrow your focus by drilling down into 25 subcategories. But in most states this bonding is only for about $5-10 million for the entire state and all its employees. Affidavit of Truth and Notice of Status As Secured Party and Creditor Made Simple Template.doc, 269137624-Affidavit-of-Truth-and-Notice-of-Status-as-Secured-Party-and-Creditor-Made-Simple-Template, Formation of Sales and Lease Contracts Study Guide, Case Western Reserve University LAWS 323, Texas A&M University, Kingsville LAW MISC, Missouri State University, Springfield MKT 764, Marbury v. Madison - David Chapman Journal, Liberty University Online Academy CJUS 610, Assignment #3 (Individual) - Engbino, Angela Michelle Francheska (C36B) (1).pdf, Only Cinderella illustrated storybooks that were housed in the de Grummond, Childhood Trauma, Toxic Stress, Ace Scores, CWS.docx, Week_8_Reading_Assignment_Strategic_Planning.pdf, 3 Variation at DNA level is called a A nucleotide b A chromosome c An allele d A, pts Question 13 In order to generate a public and private key for use with SSH, M sits 3 rd to the left of T but not sit next to L Two persons sit between G and, QUESTION 30 SIMULATION You need to create a new Azure Active Directory Azure AD, screencapture-content-ca-central-1-content-service-brightspace-ScormEngineInterface-defaultui-player, 23- after looking at figures for both inputs and outputs Lawrence is not happy with the speed at which his products are being Lawrence is concerned with a- productive b- quality control c- production, 9-Christina is responsible for ensuring the company's information is used ethically and legally. Now, you can use this same collection process against them just as the IRS uses against you. Then situate the CHARGEBACK transparency on the birth certificate and have them make a color copy of it. I've practiced law in a boutique law firm, worked in a multi-national organization and as in-house counsel. You can even make it more interesting if you like. Indemnification. I agree with what they have said in the writing, whatever it may be. Premium chat. 6. Legal Maxim: "if the plaintiff does not prove his case, the defendant is absolved". The legislation passed with bipartisan support in a 331-97 vote, with 113 Democrats. 1. They have already discerned and formulated the dollar amount involved in each of the various offenses. . What are the essential elements you should know! A commercial lien must always contain an Affidavit in support of Claim of Lien and cannot be removed without a complete rebuttal of the Liens Claimant affidavit point-by-point, in order to overthrow the one-to-one correspondence of the commercial lien. Linking your accounts will require you to provide fairly sensitive financial information (like the login credentials for your checking account), but Truebill and its partner Plaid use bank-level 256-bit encryption to help keep your information secure. You only pay if the negotiation is successful, but the company takes 40% of the savings it negotiates for you. And, most of the people starting in this redemption program seems to have the same problem. This Agreement, together with all related documents, constitutes the entire understanding and agreement of the Parties as to the matters set forth in this Agreement. 8. Since gold and silver coinage were heavy and inconvenient for a lot of transactions, they were stored in banks and a claim check was issued as a money substitute. I hope that I was able to answer your questions such as what does true bill of indictment mean, what does true bill mean in court, or what is the no true bill meaning? Moreover all these curses shall come upon you, and shall pursue you, and overtake you, till you be destroyed; because you hearkened not unto the voice of the Lord your God, to keep his commandments and his statues which he commanded you: Now that you can visualize the countless number of "charges" that have been entered on your strawman account by the IRS, what can you do about it? For Truebill Premium, you can choose your price from a sliding scale between $3 and $12 per month. 3. The third way to settle your claim is for them to pay it. It can help you track, analyze and adjust your monthly budget. Also, no common law process can remove a commercial lien unless that common law process guarantees and results in a complete rebuttal of the lien claimants Affidavit categorically and point-for-point in order to overthrow the one-to-one correspondence of the commercial lien. Well start sending you the news you need delivered straight to you. My, my, what a predicament. Or, you can use three disinterested parties to make judgment. 4. evidence that a statement, warranty, or representation made or implied in this Agreement by Debtor, is false or misleading in any material respect, either now or at the time made or furnished; What is a True Bill in Commerce? The written decision of a Grand Jury (signed by the Grand Jury foreperson) that it has heard sufficient evidence from the prosecution to believe that an accused person probably committed a crime and should be indicted. There was no stipulation in the Federal Reserve Act for ever paying the principal. Now it's easy to grasp why America is fundamentally bankrupt. as a tool of extortion to steal your substance under the guise of law. 6. . It can be called a true bill, as they say in the Grand Jury. This account will be set up at the US Department of Treasury with the private man entitled US Secretary of Treasury. Select Premium in the apps settings menu, In the app, find your account balances and select Smart Savings. It largely focuses on monthly bills and subscriptions, but other services are available. document.body.insertAdjacentHTML('beforeEnd', WebBrowser); 2. Hello Nation! All United States Offices, Officials, and Departments are now operating within a defacto status in name only under Emergency War Powers. Possession of Collateral. That is how they "charge your account" and that is why you have never been "charged" with these crimes the debtor, the strawman, the corporation has. This, commercial relationship is what is known as "Just compensation" (5, Constitution), in relationship between the Government and the American people, a true bill is, Amendment to the Constitution), and the direct taking of property by. File your UCC-1 with the SOS with the applicable fees. 419 Chapter 62. However, Travicants speech is very eloquent, to the point and can be supported with other documented facts. Course Hero uses AI to attempt to automatically extract content from documents to surface to you and others so you can study better, e.g., in search results, to enrich docs, and more. This fact necessitated that the people be brought back, one at a time, under British Rule, and the commercial process was the method of choice in order to accomplish this task.

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what is a true bill in commerce