sunshine girl archives 1980s

Evelyn Guerrero, Girls of the Southwest Conference: October: S.J. (Jack Boland/Toronto Sun). Over the years it had several names and publishers: in January of 1897 it was purchased by the German Printing and Publishing Company and was amalgamated with that company's Berlin Daily Record to become the Berlin News Record, and later still the News Record, all published by William (Ben) V. Uttley. The 5-foot-11 video game fan also loves reggae and dancehall music. Ashley has a son, and she likes to camp, go boating and ride horses. Well, Jennifer, stop me if you've heard this one, "Einstein, Edison and Aristotle walk into a bar " (Perry Mah photo), SUNshine Girl Natasha, 18, loves swimming -- so much so, she became a lifeguard. Although primarily published in color since the 1990s, prior to this the feature alternated between color and black and white and was exclusively black and white in the 1970s and early 1980s. She's 5-foot-8 and a Taurus. She is eager to motivate young women to seek out leadership opportunities for themselves. SUNshine girl Kathryn has a bucket list and has already crossed off visiting Hawaii, learning to surf and climbing a volcano. When she's not painting a snowboarding scene while listening to Purple Haze on her iPod, she can be found at the beach with her chihuahua, Bella. Well, she has certainly cheered us up today. She posed for us in June 2017. The 5-foot-9 Sagittarius posed for us back in February 2018. She loves hockey and is a big Habs fan. Even though she spends a lot of time in the sunny south, she still loves hockey. We have enabled email notificationsyou will now receive an email if you receive a reply to your comment, there is an update to a comment thread you follow or if a user you follow comments. (Stan Behal photo), SUNshine Girl Chelsea, 19, enjoys modelling and spending time with friends and shopping. To keep in shape, the 5-foot-6 Virgo likes swimming, badminton and hanging out with friends while exploring the city. It's got a lot of horses -- about 1,479 of 'em! When she's not out conquering the countryside, she enjoys mixed martial arts. This advertisement has not loaded yet, but your article continues below. (Stan Behal/Toronto Sun) January. Unauthorized distribution, transmission or republication strictly prohibited. (Jordan Verlage photo), SUNshine Girl Jennifer, 22, would like to be a model/actress, but if that doesn't work out she's open to trying her hand at bartending. This 5-foot-8 beauty likes confidence, personality and charm in a mate. SUNshine Girl Patricia, who posed for us in 2018, likes hockey, soccer, basketball, fishing, hunting and modelling and met Avril Lavigne while working in security in Sudbury. Unauthorized distribution, transmission or republication strictly prohibited. She has a dog named Rally and her dream car is a 4X4 Nissan. 2023 Toronto Sun, a division of Postmedia Network Inc. All rights reserved. (Toronto Sun/Postmedia Network). (Alex Urosevic photo), SUNshine Girl Laura, 18, says the skies are the limit for her. She also likes to hit the gym, but prefers staying in shape by getting out and enjoying the summer sun. (Its a tough job!). SUNshine Girl Cynthia, an artsy Taurus who dropped by our studio in 2017, loves writing, acting and going on adventures or reading about them in J.R.R. In January 2005, the paper moved its offices to Market Square on King Street east in Kitchener's downtown core, and on March 11, 2008, the name was changed to the Waterloo Region Record. She also loves singing and modelling, fashion, soccer, boxing and swimming. In 1948 the Kitchener Daily Record was re-named the Kitchener-Waterloo Record, which name it retained until 1994, when it became simply The Record. Brooke has two little dogs to chase after and she loves horses. When Rittinger died in 1915 his share was acquired by William D. Euler. SUNshine Girl Meg is a Taurus who has a passion for makeup and hairstyling. SUNshine Girl Nikki, who popped by our studio in 2018, is a dog-grooming Capricorn who likes singing, hockey and cars. View All 24 Photos 1 of 24 Ringing in the 2013 New Year is Chloe who is our Miss January. The 5-foot-7 Aquarius loves painting, dancing and fashion design, too. SUNshine Girl Hannah is a five-foot-five Gemini who likes the outdoors, rollerblading, nature and photography. (Michael Peake photo), SUNshine Girl Deyschairre would love to design her own clothing line. (Alex Urosevic), SUNshine Girl Ashley, 18, wants -- like so many young people these days -- to be famous. (Mark O'Neill photo), Tantalizing Tiffany, 22, is single, Sagittarius and looking for a mate who is strong, honest, funny and trustworthy. While the British tabloids started publishing photos of topless models in 1970, the Sunshine Girls have never been photographed in this manner. Unauthorized distribution, transmission or republication strictly prohibited. The 5-foot-9 Sagittarius posed for us back in February 2018. In a mate she seeks an artistic, well-read, tall, aquatic fella who's a really good dancer. SUNshine Girl Dee is definitely our Christmas cracker she is always nice and at the top of Santas list. It's a job that requires keeping a lot of balls in the air, and this 5-foot-11 Sagittarius is great at that: She's a volleyball nut. SUNshine Girl Breahna likes snowboarding, painting and art. SUNshine Girl RuthAnn is a self-professed anime nerd. In her free time, Carrie-Ann takes every opportunity to help others. She likes horseback riding and golf as well as running. From local businesses to food to medical to legal services. (Postmedia Network) February 8, 2021 Sunshine. And when she's resting her pipes, this green-eyed Scorpio is out playing soccer and wakeboarding. SUNshine Girl Nia is a 5-foot-9 model who was originally scouted at the CNE and signed with an agency. Unauthorized distribution, transmission or republication strictly prohibited. Candice is looking for a guy like Bob Saget -- someone who can make her laugh. This Capricorn, who first posed for us in May 2017, also enjoys sitting in the park to write. Hugs all around, we say! (Jack Boland photo), SUNshine Girl Ashley, 21, loves drawing, soccer, tennis, designing clothing, reading Tolkien, listening to good music and spending time with family and friends. The 5-foot-4 green-eyed Aries is single and enjoys listening to music by Bob Marley, Stevie Wonder and Etta James. (Ernest Doroszuk photo), SUNshine Girl Haley is a hairstylist who loves Adam Sandler movies. (Stan Behal/Toronto Sun). She's a teaching assistant and likes guys with muscles. SUNshine Girl Nia is a 5-foot-9 model who was originally scouted at the CNE and signed with an agency. Tolkien tomes. 411: On . This beautiful Capricorn enjoys sitting in a park to write, hiking in the great outdoors, watching soccer or cheering on the Blue Jays. Is Hulk Hogan being wooed by Scientology. A welcome email is on its way. Glamour model Jordan with her celebrity 'Page 3 Girls' team in action, during the UK National 5-a-side football tournament held at Hackney Marshes,. By continuing to use our site, you agree to our Terms of Service and Privacy Policy. 2023 Toronto Sun, a division of Postmedia Network Inc. All rights reserved. 1987 SUNSHINE GIRL CALENDAR. SUNshine Girl Catalina returns from her Miss Toronto Swimwear-winning 2017 season. SUNshine Girl Dannie is our three-star selection as the Maple Leafs wrap up their pre-Christmas schedule tonight against the Philadelphia Flyers. SUNshine Girl Jennifer loves the three Ms: movies, music and Muay Thai. This music lover says shed love to meet a billionaire, and her dream car is a Tesla. Not all of the people featured in the magazine are pictured in the nude. Back in the late 90's after my first trip to Canada (1996) I fell in love with all of the women up there, When I was in Toronto, I picked up the local paper (TORONTO SUN) and I noticed that they had a feature called the SUNShine Girl; It feature a local Canadian female in a G rated pose wearing a bikini with a brief description of her. Is Hulk Hogan being wooed by Scientology? Dancing to Luke Bryan and Kane Brown Girls are from sunshine girl archives 1990s 1980s week, on November 17, to exact. This 5-foot-3 hazel-eyed hockey fan also enjoys going to the beach and rock concerts. Fellowes: Mardi Jacquet: G. Gordon Liddy: Lisa Lyon, Girls of . The 5-foot-11, 26-year-old Sagittarius' most memorable brush with fame was with Drake -- but her dream date would be Justin Bieber. She is single, except for her Lexus. The by-then Senator Euler sold his interest to Southam Press in 1953. (Ernest Doroszuk/Toronto Sun). SUNshine Girl Meg is a Taurus who has a passion for makeup and hairstyling. SUNshine Girl Gabie is a 5-foot-6, hazel-eyed Capricorn who is also a tomboy at heart. From local businesses to food to medical to legal services. (We made that last part up.) SUNshine Girl Jennifer loves the three Ms: movies, music and Muay Thai. 365 Bloor Street East, Toronto, Ontario, M4W 3L4. (Veronica Henri photo), SUNshine Girl Courtney is a blue-eyed Aries who loves taking long walks along the boardwalk No joke! Aside from the action on the gridiron, this Leo enjoys snowboarding, yoga and travel. SUNshine Girl Breahna likes snowboarding, painting and art. BINGO! When it comes to music, she rocks out to Geddy Lee of Rush, and when it's time for sports, she adores the Maple Leafs. Pretty good, we think. The single Gemini likes to play volleyball, dance and play tennis as well as listen to reggae music. (Stan Behal/Postmedia Network), SUNshine Girl Nicole is a blue-eyed Aries who loves paddleboarding and anything else outdoorsy. Her hobbies include art and horseback riding. This Scorpio, who first posed for us in February 2018, is a big fan of singer Lana Del Rey. The 5-foot brown-eyed Leo likes Britney Spears and Rihanna and the Twilight series. This 5'7", blue-eyed beauty describes herself as being "single and not looking." In 2011, the Sunshine Girl was restored to page 3 in some, not all, versions of the Sun, and two different photos of the same Sunshine Girl are run each day. She posed for us in January 2018. SUNshine Girl Michelle, who first posed for us in 2019, is a Cancer who loves dogs and taking photos. We encountered an issue signing you up. She wants to be a flight attendant! She one day hopes to become a parole officer. It's her first year on the cheer team. On July 17, 1922 the Record absorbed the other daily, the Daily Telegraph. This 5-foot-2 photography buff spends a lot of time in the pool or hanging out with her dog Ben. When she's not on the court, our hazel-eyed teen enjoys clubbing, modelling and chilling out in front of the TV or at the movies. Learn how and when to remove this template message, Wormser, Deborah. Whenever she gets a chance, she also enjoys trips to the tropics - or maybe the Jersey Shore, one of her favourite TV shows. (Mark O'Neill photo), SUNshine Girl Angela, 23, has set her sights on a graduate degree in biochemistry, which is great because we'd like to discuss the difference between covalent and ionic bonds with her. 2023 Edmonton Sun, a division of Postmedia Network Inc. All rights reserved. November 3, 2022 Sunshine Girls Subscriber only SUNshine Girl Tonya SUNshine Girl Tonya is a soccer. SUNshine Girl Miranda is into makeup, modelling and photography. The feature started with the Toronto Sun, which was launched in 1971, and was adapted from British tabloids with similar featured women. SUNshine Girl Breahna likes snowboarding, painting and art. (Todd Gillis photo), SUNshine Girl Cherish, 25, has the loftiest of goals: To be in the SUNshine Girl calendar. She has three dogs: Trixie, Kiwi and Cupcake. SUNshine Girl Aneesa, our 5-foot-7, brown-eyed, soccer-loving Taurus, makes a return from 2017! (Alex Urosevic Photo), Tatiana, 23, enjoys playing volleyball and rollerblading. SUNshine Girl Kristy is nicknamed the Tattooed Fit Girl. Get the latest Oilers news delivered to your inbox every weekday, Woman who worked as Hythe school assistant charged with sexual offences, Vegas Golden Knights goalie Robin Lehner files for bankruptcy, cites $50M debt, Alberta man arrested with cache of weapons, explosives sentenced to six years in prison, Sobeys chicken is even more expensive than Loblaws. SUNshine Girl Cassie, who posed for us in 2016, is our girl from Christmas past. (Mark O'Neill photo), SUNshine Girl Jelena, 32, is looking for someone to buy her an island of her very own. Coulter said she had the same feelings about the Sunshine Boy feature. With that event, the original three daily papers (the News Record, the Berlin Daily Record, and the Daily Telegraph) became one. (Jack Boland Toronto Sun). SUNshine Girl Kelli is a Leafs fan who enjoys shooting pool and going to the cottage. (Ernest Doroszuk/Toronto Sun/Postmedia Network), SUNshine Girl Hailee, a Sagittarius who dropped by our studio in 2018, likes figure skating, spending time with friends and family, country music and funny movies. Page 3 girls Holly McGuire, Jo Hicks and Jackki Degg during the official launch party of a new health club billed as 'London's premier oasis for mind. Holy Mackinaw, she is ready for a run to the Stanley Cup. (Stan Behal/Toronto Sun). This beauty is also a big fan of tattoos and has five so far. SUNshine Girl Heather is a green-eyed Aries who enjoys hockey, baseball and basketball. Currency:CAD Category:Collectibles Start Price:5.00 CAD Estimated At:NA. The Gimme Stelter newsletter gives you all the Winnipeg news you need, every Wednesday, The Gimme Stelter newsletter gives you all the news you need, every Wednesday, Jeremy Renner home from hospital following horrific snowplow injury, Future bright for Jets' Dubois, wherever he goes Quebec roots a strong pull First-place race will only heat up Barron coughs up gory flu details, Paige Spiranac tees off on troll who sent her 'nasty' missives, Jets' coach Rick Bowness doing everything he can to sway Pierre-Luc Dubois to stay. (Brendon Dlouhy photo), SUNshine Girl Laura loves cheerleading and gymnastics. As for entertainment, she enjoys Reggae, watching documentaries and eating at veggie restaurants. (Todd Gillis photo), SUNshine Girl Marina, 18, wants to be a real estate agent one day. She's also working towards becoming a school teacher. She likes hot yoga, going to the gym and watching movies. In her free time, Elishia likes to head to the beach with friends. Nicole, 23, is also a baseball fan who hopes to become a physiotherapist. Dannie's favourite face-off man is Tyler Bozak, but she's also got a soft spot for 2016 rookie of the year, Auston Matthews. SUNshine Girl Candice, a Leo who posed for us in 2018, enjoys white wine, trying new food, going to concerts, snowboarding and curling, although not necessarily in that order. Her dream car is a Maybach G Wagon. Item EA-160-1842 - Girl. (Craig Robertson/Postmedia Network), SUNshine Girl Heather loves spending time with her dogs and is also a big sports fan - hockey, baseball and basketball are favourites. (Jack Boland photo), SUNshine Girl Brie aspires to be a graphic designer with a geeky side. She's an Argos cheerleader but we'd go to the CFL games just to cheer "Go, Brooklyn, go" instead. (Stan Behal/Toronto Sun/Postmedia Network), 365 Bloor Street East, Toronto, Ontario, M4W 3L4. Her favourite sport is snowboarding. Read more about cookies here. When the hazel-eyed beauty takes time off rollerblading and kick-boxing, she likes to relax with friends. Famous former SUNshine girls include: Amanda Coetzer, Ann Rohmer, Trish Stratus , Stacy Keibler, and Krista Erickson (Sun News Network anchor, who appeared on the date of that network's 2011 launch). SUNshine Girl Hunter is making an encore appearance from her April 2017 photoshoot. Speaking of snakes, Jessica is doing a pretty good impersonation of shedding her skin with those black tights. (Dave Abel photo), SUNshine girl Sarah, 22, is a third-year student at Trent University and wants to become a psychologist. Tolkien tomes. (Todd Gillis photo), SUNshine girl Leesa wants to travel as much as possible - especially to tropical locations! 2023 Edmonton Sun, a division of Postmedia Network Inc. All rights reserved. Jessica has a pet cat named Tiger and a dog named Chinook. Back to the good stuff, our girl likes horseback riding and funny guys. We encountered an issue signing you up. (Dave Abel/Toronto Sun). (Greg Henkenhaf Photo), SUNshine Girl Karly is 22 years old and an avid hockey fan. Unauthorized distribution, transmission or republication strictly prohibited. (Candice Ward photo), SUNshine Girl Christine, 20, wants to go into fashion design and merchandising. She's a huge NASCAR and Jimmie Johnson fan. Her hobbies include DJing, photography and reading. Don Brennan's Closing Lines newsletter offers trustworthy insights into the sports betting game, The Closing Lines newsletter offers trustworthy insights into the sports betting game, LOOKS LIKE A PENIS:' Sculpture dedicated to MLK sparks criticism from family, Mitch Marner sets home record, William Nylander OT hero for Maple Leafs versus Panthers, A look at Olivia Dunne, the college gymnast with 6.7 million TikTok followers. This list of people in Playboy 1980-1989 is a catalog of women and men who appeared in Playboy magazine in the years 1980 through 1989. (Mark O'Neill photo), SUNshine Girl Norah-Jean is a cheerleader for the Toronto Argonauts. This Pisces, who first posed for us in July 2017, hopes to be a best-selling author, and climb behind the wheel of a Corvette. One of Olivia's most memorable meetings was with movie star Bruce Willis. Find the best places within Toronto. SUNshine Girl Heather, a 5-foot-4, green-eyed Aries back from 2017, loves dogs, hockey, baseball and basketball and listening to Bob Marley, Stevie Wonder and Etta James. SUNshine Girl Lexi likes to work as an ambassador to help overcome childhood poverty and with World Vision. (Dave Abel photo), SUNshine Girl Candice's goal is to be as good at pole dancing as her instructor. (Mark O'Neill photo), SUNshine girl Amie, 22, is a hairdresser and make-up artist who would like to one day work for FHM Magazine. The 5-foot-3 green-eyed beauty loves swimming and her favourite sport is volleyball. Except that when she's not performing stunts and thrilling football fans, this fourth-year economics student enjoys working out, reading and travelling to places like France.

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sunshine girl archives 1980s