senator lundeen plane crash

JOSEPH J. PESCI, 213 W. Market St., Blairsville, proctor at Duquesne university, Pittsburgh. Its 22 passengers, two pilots and stewardess were all killed. Roll with it, David, instead of trying to endorse the "serious" people. Victor Reuther named CIA labor operatives and CIA-founded unions. This new facility had been designed by Oscar Stonorov and was due to be, opened to the membership within a few weeks of the crash. In each instance, Hoover successfully blocked Reuther's appointment by secretly circulating disinformation packets to the White House and members of Congress, featuring the doctored "For a Soviet America" letter and testimony by individuals falsely accusing Walter of communist affiliations. Senator ERNEST LUNDEEN, of Minnesota. Certainly, the fact is mentioned that before, during, and after 1940, Herr H*tler ran Nazi operations on US soil. There was an indentation adjacent to the missing set screw hole. Again, their story seems to support the view, that political murders are quite common in the USA. There were three, witnesses who heard the plane before it crashed and then were subsequently, at the scene. I posted about the 1940 crash resulting in the death of Sen. Lundeen in an attempt to make a point that none of us are qualified to presume what "serious people" should or should not be suspicious or skeptical about, and that the MSM has not shown the integrity or accuracy in its reporting and choices of what to cover, to have earned the distinction to accord it that privilege. In 1937 Walter Reuther became the leader of a United Automobile Workers insurgent faction that included Communists. . That isolationist view did not cause much of a stir before the United States entered the war, but Lundeens refusal to support the U.S. war effort in any way when Americas young men were fighting overseas eventually did not bode well with Minnesota voters. David O. Norris, a private detective hired by Elizabeth Reuther Dickmeyer, youngest daughter of Walter Reuther, discovered evidence to the contrary: "Just hours after the crash a reporter from the Detroit News talked to the night dispatcher at Butler Aviation who said he knew that Walter Reuther was on the plane." I, had always viewed the information given by our media with a great deal of, skepticism, but now I know more than ever that we must find as many sources, as possible to seek the truth for ourselves. He next became the Director of the National Security Agency. There are a number of posts already on this thread telling you this, but you don't seem to be replying to the opinion of many who take issue with the tone and the hypocrisy some of his perceive as an "opening shot" in your thread opener. Why would a regional paper totally ignore the president of the, largest labor union in the country? The jet Walter Reuther was on had been initially assigned a ferry job from Columbus to Akron, Ohio. The plane was flying low . Im confused Tom because Evan, another moderator, asked us to keep out posts on this thread on the topic of the assassination but shortly after that you post irrelevant stuff like this you guys need to get your signals straight. So the poor are defined as "the poverty problem." He had been with the company three years. He had recently announced his candidacy for, president on March 16, 1968 and had just finished giving a speech to his, All of these men were heavily involved in civil rights and the move toward, social justice for all Americans. The screw hole shaft had its threads "torn," or drilled out. Lundeen was not a part of the efforts to commit violence. LUNDEEN NOTED AS ISOLATIONIST; WRECKAGE AND TWO OF VICTIMS IN AIR CRASH Times Wide World Wired Photo Sept. 1, 1940 The New York Times Archives See the article in its original context from. Ernest Lundeen 62, Minnesota U.S. My, grandmother was left to raise her five children alone and she never, remarried. 14 March 2000. He and his brother Victor had not made things easy for themselves when they, went to Russia in 1932. M. P. MAHAN, 1788 Lender Place, Washington, D. C. It was not uncommon for Reuther to, hold an audience mesmerized for three or more hours1. As World War II approached, he enlisted in the British Army. 25 memorials. Reuthers stance on civil rights for African-Americans and the social. . It is frequently swept by wind and rain driven in cross currents through the Shenandoah mountains that loom on either side. In June 1963, Victor Lasky reported that Walter Reuther had urged United States Attorney General Robert Kennedy to curb the FBI's war on Communism. Fish provided Viereck with a mailing list of some 100,000 names. Page 1. 10) The News in Brief. Christian Science Monitor. . The bodies were burned beyond recognition except for dental records. Fairview Cemetery. I am not insinuating anything related Hoover or FDR involvement in The Lundeen crash, Len. There are people with legitimate grievances as employees, taxpayers, and consumers who direct their wrath against welfare mothers but not against corporate welfarism, against the inner city poor not the outer city rich, against human services that are needed by the community rather than regressive tax systems that favor the affluent. The jet engines were immediately stopped by the branches. Airline with no accidents in its history. One of the pilots radioed that, they had the airport in sight. The fact it was a war surplus altimeter is strange. 14 March 2000. Despite the limited investigation there is enough evidence to suggest that foul play was involved. The cause of the mysterious crash was never resolved. Second, in the years before the fatal crash there had been assassination attempts against Walter and Victor. He was found a, short time later, beaten to death. I've now shared with you, everything I know about this incident. All passengers and crew on the plane perished. He joined the CIA in 1950 as Special Assistant to Allen Dulles. It said action is urgently needed to overhaul the system . ', They added that Viereck frequently came to Lundeens office to inquire if certain speeches which had a pro-dictatorship slant had been inserted in the Congressional Record by Lundeen and his staff. in the world. Every instrument rated pilot sets the field elevation published on the front of the control tower when he takes off. . The next evening after Victor had given, the dog to family friends, he was shot in the head while in his home. It is the mainstay of the conservative reactionism of the 1980s and 1990s. David Halberstam related the President Kennedy planned to replace John McCone as CIA Director with Jack Conway, Walter Reuther's chief political lobbyist. The lawmakers involved with Viereck all lost their seats in their next election. ", A report from the Kollsman Instrument Company stated: "If the questionable calibration arm set screws were loose". In each of these instances, state and federal law-enforcement agencies showed themselves at best lackadaisical in their investigative efforts, suggesting the possibility of official collusion or at least tolerance for the criminal deeds. As a reader who knew about the appearance of a, conspiracy in this case, I was left with more questions than I had before I, started. [NY Journal American 6.5.63]. Their murders were just as, politically motivated as the others. THE SPRINGFIELD UNION, Massachusetts, September 1, 1940 * Lovettsville, Virginia Air Disaster * Douglas DC-3 airplane crash (1st report) This 30+ page newspaper has a nice banner headline on the front page: "25 PERSONS KILLED IN PLANE WRECK" with subheads that include: "SENATOR LUNDEEN ON PASSENGER LIST AND BELIEVED LOST" and more. The pilots managed a crash landing that allowed all on. The account posted above contains several distortions: The screw was in place up to the point the altimeter was disassembled, the suspected it might have been loosened by the fire, but a test was inconclusive: pg. Jonas was born in 1856. The link pin of the same rocking shaft was incorrect. An examination of the reports by Barfield and Kollsman Instruments, on which the National Transportation Safety Board based their findings, told a different story. 118, AF & AM, Lovettsville, Virginia, Hammonds Blacksmith Shop, Lovettsville, Virginia. See our full republication guidelines for more information. I'm convinced there was tampering with the altimeter and, although the plane was on the ground for only a short time, it was time enough. He, he sort of refuses to support the war effort. He felt that, violence towards those that would do him and his supporters harm was, 3) Martin Luther King was murdered on April 4, 1968. CRASH KILLING 25 LAID TO LIGHTNING; CAA Reports Bolt Disabled Pilots of Plane Carrying Senator Lundeen DISCOUNTS TURBULENT AIR Jump-Seat Occupant, Thrown Into Control Cockpit, Might Have Disrupted . Both pilots and three other passengers, including the Senator's first wife, were killed in the crash. He could not be sure whether he had introduced Viereck to his secretary, George Hill. The $50,000 was obviously an attempt to silence us", In 1960 NIXON called Walter Reuther "a labor leader-turned- radical politician." Even if there were tension, the screw would have left traces of movement on the shaft. Prosecutor William Power Maloney asked suavely whether it was a coincidence that Viereck's views as a Nazi propagandist "coincide so closely with your views as a Congressman at this time." Theme by AcademiaThemes, Formation of the Lovettsville Historical Society, Lovettsville Historic District Listed On the National Register of Historic Places, The History of Lovettsvilles Oktoberfest Celebration, History of the Potomac River Crossing at Berlin/Brunswick, Street Names of Lovettsville and Their Meanings, African-American Methodist Episcopal Church, Lovettsville, Virginia, New Jerusalem Lutheran Church, Lovettsville, Virginia, New Jerusalem Lutheran Church from WPA Historical Inventory Project, 1938, Providence Primitive Baptist Church (former site of Old Presbyterian Church), Lovettsville, Virginia, Reformed Church (now St. James United Church of Christ), Lovettsville, Virginia, St. James Reformed Church from WPA Historical Inventory Project, 1938, Brown Funeral Home, Lovettsville, Virginia, Freedom Masonic Lodge No. J. Edgar Hoover and the FBI would plague Walter Reuther for almost forty, years. In their confusion they are ably assisted by conservative commentators and hate-talk mongers who provide ready-made explanations for their real problems, who attack victims instead of victimizers, denouncing feminists and minorities rather than sexists and racists, denouncing the poor-rather than the rapacious corporate rich who create poverty. On the afternoon of August 31, 1940, Lundeen was a passenger on Flight 19 of Pennsylvania Central Airlines, flying from Washington, D.C. to Detroit. Reuther's demise appears as part of a truncation of liberal and radical leadership that included the deaths of four national figures: President John Kennedy, Malcolm X Martin Luther King, and Senator Robert Kennedy, and dozens of leaders m the Black Panther Party and in various community organizations. Does false consciousness exist? 11) Pip, Edwin G. What caused the crash of Reuthers jet? Detroit News. and other parties may have been involved in Walter Reuthers death? In fact, the FBI has never officially closed the books on its investigation into the possibility that sabotage might have caused what was then the nations worst aviation disaster. Some may have felt that he had become too powerful and had to be, stopped! . If you have questions, [email protected]. Member donations are crucial to the work of our nonprofit newsroom. loose, it would have left the high by 200-300 feet. Although funding non-communist labor unions was a common practice, had Walter Reuther misappropriated any of these funds, the CIA would have been able to get a handle on him. Eight months before his death, Reuther reflected on the broader dimensions of labor's struggle: "The labor movement is about changing society . Steve Schlossberg told this researcher: "It's not my field. In C. Wright Mill's words: "What people are interested in is not always what is to their interest; the troubles they are aware of are not always the ones that beset them. learn about all our free newsletter options, How a U.S. The Kollsman Report speculated that the damaged threads, and loose screw, might have been caused by heat damage: "Examination of a similar rocking shaft exposed to 1100 degrees Fahrenheit, believed to be higher than that which the subject instrument was exposed to, showed that with a thread which is unabused, and with a properly tightened screw: a) the screw did not come out due to high temperature exposure: letter b= there is an aluminum deposit on the brass screw threads under load: c) the thread in the shaft tapped hole, Photo 39, is not damaged to the extent shown on Photos 24, 25, 26 and 27.". This is a list of prominent American politicians killed in plane crashes. 12 May 1970. Former Minnesota U.S. Sen. Ernest Lundeen was killed in a plane crash on Aug. 31, 1940. Stassen appointment He was on his way to address an all-state picnic of Minnesota Townsend Clubs when his career ended abruptly in an airplane crash near Lovettsville, Virginia, in August 1940. him, testimonials, and details about Reuthers funeral rites. He was labeled a radical, black civil rights activist with ties to the Nation of Islam. The worst disaster in the history of U. S. Commercial aviation occurred near here late today what all 25 persons aboard a Pennsylvania Central airliner crashed to their deaths at the height of a terrific rainstorm. I've gone too far to turn back," he said. ", HEMMING commented: "Sabotage of the altimeters would not do the job. A recent government report found it to be "outmoded" and "overloaded.". While Lundeen lost reelection, he did not stop pursuing political office, running for state Legislature, governor, Minnesota Supreme Court chief justice, U.S. Senate and other offices. While at the Walter and May Reuther Educational and Recreational, Center at Black Lake, I saw a film that depicted much about the life of, Walter Reuther and I was fascinated. WHEN MINNESOTA SENATOR ERNEST LUNDEEN WAS KILLED IN A PLANE CRASH over Virginia on August 31, 1940, the Republican governor was able, according to the rules, to appoint a fellow Republican to fill the senator's seat. Inman held this post until 1981. But in court last week, Hill admitted that: He had served as handy man of a propaganda ring managed by Viereck and Prescott Dennett, Washington publicist. Of the Vietnam war, Walter Reuther had stated: "It has divided this nation. Viereck was on trial, charged with failing to tell the State Department all about his activities. A staked depression would deform the adjacent holes and shaft as noted in Photo 45 which was purposely done on an equivalent shaft at room temperature." Pittsburgh, Aug. 31 (INS) The 25 persons aboard the Pennsylvania-Central Airlines transport which crashed in Virginia tonight killing all on board were, according to PCA: LOWELL SCROGGINS, pilot, Washington, D. C. Experienced pilot with a spotless record. Joe Karaffa, 41, was the co-pilot and had only recently joined the charter firm after his Air, Force career; both men were retired military jet pilots. 1) Dewey, James. Whether certain foreign agents figured that they were about to be exposed, whether G-men on the plane tangled with Lundeen on the flight, or whether it was an act of God and the weather may never be known, they declared. Don Blankenship, Masseys former chief executive officer, and Chairman Bobby Ray Inman, a retired U.S. Navy admiral, made clear in sworn testimony that they firmly believed the company was being targeted by the government, lawyers for Massey investors who are suing the companys directors said in filings unsealed today in state court in Delaware. In Brooklyn, N.Y., members of the Christian Front, a national organization inspired by Coughlins broadcasts, planned an armed para-military coup of the U.S. government. MISS M. TURNER, Huddleston, Va., bound for Cleveland. JOHN. On Oct. 16, 1972, a Cessna 310C with the tail number N1812H, operated by Pan Alaska Airways, disappeared somewhere between Anchorage and Juneau, Alaska. The left engine ingested, wood from the trees and flamed out. When the investigation was complete, two scenarios were provided for the most likely cause of the crash. I didn't come here to be insulted. MinnPost | P.O. At one point he does try to visit the troops and is turned away by the military because hes seen as a, an almost unpatriotic figure.. It was not written by Lundeen, however, but by an agent of Hitlers government who paid the Minnesota senator to promote Nazi propaganda. Reuther 's chief political lobbyist managed a crash landing that allowed all on Reuther named CIA operatives... 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senator lundeen plane crash