Rozum, I., Vamborg, F., Villaume, S., and Thpaut, J.-N.: The ERA5 global The warmed layer in the valley atmospheres decreases in magnitude and depth towards the top of the valleys. Chem. - The visibility in meters - And last the local IP Address. Forecasts of Winter Precipitation Using an Improved Bulk Microphysics Scheme. This file contains bidirectional Unicode text that may be interpreted or compiled differently than what appears below.<0927:TSMECM>2.0.CO;2, 1994.a, Kain, J.S.: The Kain-Fritsch Convective Parameterization: An Update, J. In Khumbu Valley, the daytime up-valley winds have maximum respective values of 3, 5, 45 and 23ms1 at the four marked locations between 20 and 21December, listed from the valley entrance to the valley top (Fig.6b). This research has been supported by the H2020 European Research Council (grant no. 25072522,, 2008.a, b, c, Wagner, J. S., Gohm, A., and Rotach, M. W.: Influence of along-valley terrain heterogeneity on exchange processes over idealized valleys, Atmos. Pay as you call. (2021) suggested that the daytime up-valley winds in the Khumbu Valley would transport aerosol precursors from the bottom of the valley to the free troposphere. The along-valley wind component in Fig.6 is the average of five grid points along the valley centre line around the crosses to describe the wind in a larger part of the valley, instead of only at one grid point. Hydrometeorol., 19, 15651581,, %wind-gust% This data is only returned by the API if the condition exists. Bonaf, U., Calzolari, F., Colombo, T., Decesari, S., DiBiagio, C., Our new technology, Time Machine, has allowed us to enhance data in the Historical Weather Collection: historical weather data is now available for any coordinates and the depth of historical data has been extended to 40 years. This app brings the OpenWeatherMap API to Homey. Am. Am. Meteorological impacts of a novel debris-covered glacier category in a to 40005000ma.s.l. The formation of these winds are sensitive to, for example, any large-scale forcing (Whiteman and Doran,1993) and the geometry of the valley topography (Wagner etal.,2015) which makes them unique for each and every valley. Wind speed for the forecasts time period, metre/sec. Steep inclination in the valley floor (25) is associated with weaker and shallower up-valley winds compared with locations with a nearly flat valley floor (<1 inclination). Chem. All Rights Reserved . (2018), which has the same horizontal grid spacing and spin-up time as our simulation, the mean RMSE over all stations in Lang-tang Catchment is 8.0K, which is notably larger than in our simulation. Synoptic-Scale Flows and Winds within a Valley, J. Appl. weather analysis and forecasting/16th conference on numerical weather That means accessing data for . The number of days selectable. Meteor. The along-valley winds do not have a clear repetitive diurnal cycle at the valley top except on the last day of the simulation. Therefore, it remains unknown if these other major valleys have similar along-valley winds to those found in Khumbu Valley and, thus, if they could also act as sources of free-tropospheric aerosol. In addition, sixth-order numerical diffusion and w-Rayleigh damping were applied to the uppermost 5km. To use openweathermap API, you need to create an account in their site. G., Bidlot, J., Bonavita, M., DeChiara, G., Dahlgren, P., Dee, D., ma.s.l. It starts in January, it starts here in Australia. (be) Daily averaged wind speed and direction at 400hPa in the ERA5 reanalysis for the period from 18 to 21December2014. The observations are provided as hourly averages, meaning that the comparison includes 48 time steps for daytime and 60 time steps for night-time in total. Hey u/dannyk6 - any chance that you can change the default metric units for wind speed from m/s to kph? Data is available in JSON, XML, or HTML format. I would like to follow your blog frequently. (2015). Here, the cross-valley wind is perpendicular to the along-valley wind, but it is calculated at the slopes 5 to 10 grid points away from the valley centre line. However, the local valley wind systems in the other major valleys located nearby have not yet been well studied. Their ids will follow the format: sensor. This is more useful if it is embedded inside a div code block. So write the following code. In Makalu Valley, the valley floor elevation increases from 500 to 4000ma.s.l. Based on the observations at NCO-P, December is a good period for studying the thermally driven mountain winds in this region. You are already using a Unit of Measure by defining the Item as Number:Speed. You can also access weather data of cities within a rectangle zone. The wind in St John's, NL (random windy city) right now is 7.7 m/s according to OWM's website. The wind is averaged over 12:0015:00LT for each day of the simulation., 2015.a, b, Giovannini, L., Antonacci, G., Zardi, D., Laiti, L., and Panziera, L.: The along-valley winds at night are weak in all four valleys and generally remain in the up-valley direction (night-time is shown using shading in Fig.6). Karki, R., ulHasson, S., Gerlitz, L., Schickhoff, U., Scholten, T., and Bhner, J.: Quantifying the added value of convection-permitting climate simulations in complex terrain: a systematic evaluation of WRF over the Himalayas, Earth Syst. on 2017-04-24 Wang, W., Long, C., Chelliah, M., Xue, Y., Huang, B., Schemm, J.-K., For example: Winds %wind-speed% Km/h^ with gusts up to %wind-gust% Km/h^, With wind gust data this will convert to: Winds 10 Km/h with gusts up to 20 Km/h, Without wind gust data this will convert to: Winds 10 Km/h (The gusts text surrounded by carets will be removed). with a contour interval of 1000m. The decrease in the daytime up-valley winds is slower at the valley entrance compared with the other parts of the valley. After 60 grid points (approximately 60km) into the valley, the valley floors start to incline towards the valley top. OpenWeather is a team of IT experts and data scientists that has been practising deep weather data science. geographically expanded (use these parameter optionally), Maximum temperature at the moment. In the Gaurishankar and Khumbu valleys, the valley depth increases are not as gradual, but the valleys still get deeper from the valley entrance towards the valley top. Headquarters in London, UK. You can access data by passing city name or city name and country code. Helpful stats, graphics, and this day in history charts are available for your reference. The model levels refer to heights of (ad) 25, (eh) 450 and (il) 1250m above the surface. They found that the difference between 12h, 24h, and 3d spin-up time was relatively small (10m wind root-mean-square error of 3.5ms1 for 12h and of 3.3ms1 for 24h and 3d). The cross-valley wind component is considered here as a wind component perpendicular to the valley centre lines (introduced in Sect.2.3.1) and, thus, perpendicular to the along-valley wind component directly above the valley centre line. Glaciol. The cross-sections show the whole length of the valley centre lines (yellow lines in Fig.2b); thus, the far right-hand side of all the panels in Figs.8 and 9 are the wind component and potential temperature above the plain. The horizontal grid spacing decreases to 9km (d02), 3km (d03) and finally to 1km in the innermost domain, which covers an area of 288300km. The up-valley winds also spread into the smaller valleys branching off from the main valleys, but they are weaker than the up-valley winds in the main valleys. The number of missing time steps due to neglected wind speed measurements is two for Namche at night-time, three for Lukla during daytime and nine for Lukla at night-time. For more details about pretty print JSON data check this. Overall, the model manages to simulate the diurnal cycle of the winds that was evident in the observations. Weather The RMSE in 5m wind speed ranges from 1.4 to 3.2ms1 during daytime and from 0.5 to 2.9ms1 during night-time (Table2). The 40-year average and the daily averages of the large-scale flow during the study period are shown in Fig.1. Yang, K., Guyennon, N., Ouyang, L., Tian, L., Tartari, G., and Salerno, F.: Mountain tops reaching above 8000m in the inner domain (d04) of the simulation: Mount Everest, Kanchanjunga, Lhotse, Makalu and Cho Oyu. Although it is still available for use, bug fixing and updates are no longer available for this functionality. Figure1(a) The 400hPa wind speed (shading) and direction (white vectors) averaged over the month of December for the period from 1980 to 2019 in the ERA5 reanalysis. Soc., 146, This also requires you to add the following line to the frontmatter of the note you want to display the current weather in Then add the following css snippet, (name it 'openweather.css' or whatever you prefer), to your vaults snippet folder vault-name/.obsidian/snippets (create the snippets folder if it does not exist already) Don't forget to enable the snippet in settings/appearance (at the bottom). The valley entrances are significantly different between the valleys. On 18December, the diurnal cycle is more interrupted than during the 1921December period, and the simulated night-time down-valley winds are caused by the channelling of the north-westerlies into the valleys. Keep in mind when configuring this integration, that you new API key might not be activated yet. Environment Canada says it is 27 km/h. This is concatenation of base_url, API_key and city_id, # this variable contain the JSON data which the API returns, # JSON data is difficult to visualize, so you need to pretty print, "\nWeather Data By Geograhic Coordinates :", OpenWeatherMapAPI Python Tutorial -Access Current Weather Data For Several Cities, " The 40-year December average of the 400hPa wind is mostly westerly with the subtropical jet located on average at around 30N. Res.-Atmos., 126, 3. I have used these in my own application to convert a JSON response of: Wind speed: 12.75 mph in a North East direction. and Dhaka, S.K.: Impact of Mountainous Topography on Surface-Layer Although in the cross-valley circulation the subsiding air causes local warming in the core of the valley atmosphere, the net effect of the cross-valley circulation is to export heat out of the valley atmosphere due to the overshooting up-slope winds at the valley crests (Schmidli,2013). If you need to convert city names and zip-codes to geo coordinates and the other way around automatically, please use our Geocoding API. Rozum, I., Vamborg, F., Villaume, S., and Thpaut, J.-N.: The ERA5 global Res.-Atmos., 120, 98829896, The buoyancy mechanism drives shallower and weaker winds, such as the typical cross-valley slope winds, compared with the valley wind mechanisms. Part II: Implementation of a New Snow Parameterization, Mon. Sensitivity of Simulated Wind Speed to Spatial Resolution over Complex The valley topographical characteristics are described in Sect.3. Here, (xi,yi) denote the coordinates of the ith grid point on the valley centre line in the inner model domain grid. At NCO-P and Namche, the temperature in our simulation is underestimated for most of the simulation (the MBE is negative for both stations), but the simulated amplitude of the diurnal cycle is similar to the observed amplitude (Fig.S1b and d in the Supplement). Weve been talking about that for a long time, but Australia is the summer, Australia is January and this event is - from the players perspective - one of their favourite places to play. Such a Great Article!! The land surface scheme used in the simulation was the Unified Noah land surface model (Tewari etal.,2004). List of all API parameters with units The description of the along-valley winds is mostly based on the 2021December period, when the thermally driven winds were well defined in the valleys, but the 1819December period is also considered in the text. The other modes require a paid subscription plan. The wind speed is mostly less than 2ms1 in the Gaurishankar and Khumbu valleys, and the flow depth above the valley centre line is 5001000m. Be aware of any precipitation within an hour with a minute precision or . The up to 1.5K warming between 09:00 and 15:00LT on20December and the cooling between 09:00 and 15:00LT on21December at higher altitudes (>2000m above the surface) most likely occur due to large-scale thermal advection. Interactive maps show precipitation, clouds, pressure, wind around your location. A clear diurnal cycle of cross-valley winds on both the west and east slope at the same point is found only in the middle parts (red and purple time series) of the Makalu and Kanchanjunga valleys during the 1921December period (Fig.7e, f, g, h). OpenWeather products are all ready-to-use and allow to minimise customers . Learn more, 2012 2022 OpenWeather All rights reserved, Min/max temperature in current weather API and forecast API, List of all API parameters with available units, Geographical coordinates (latitude, longitude). Temperature, humidity and wind speed can be obtained as well as snow volume and wind gust. The MBE, MAE and RMSE are calculated using Eqs.(1), (2) and (3) respectively: Here, Xwrf(t) and Xobs(t) are the modelled value at the closest model grid point and the observation at the station at the same time step t respectively. Oceanographic Sciences Library, Springer Netherlands, Dordrecht, Vol. Interactive weather map allows you to watch for current temperature and weather conditions in your city or any . Potential temperature is plotted with a contour interval of 1K. Although they are still available for use, bug fixing and updates are no longer available for this functionality. (2021) found that WRF struggled to accurately simulate the diurnal variation in wind speed, especially during daytime and when wind conditions changed from high to low, over the Central Himalayas. As the valleys are not exactly northsouth orientated at every point in the along-valley direction, the meridional and zonal winds in the model output can not be considered to be the along- and cross-valley wind components directly. Most important for the study, the location and wind speed of the 400hPa subtropical jet are very similar with respect to the high-resolution domain (d04) of our simulation. You can also access the weather data by geographic coordinates. Land Use, and Spinup Time on Resolving Spatial Precipitation Patterns in the Add Integration button. Direct link to signup page ", " See current weather conditions across the United States and provide a more accurate delivery date based on weather conditions. interface, by using this My button: If the above My button doesnt work, you can also perform the following steps Novak Djokovic received a hero's welcome at Melbourne Park before normal service resumed . Wind speed: meter/sec : meter/sec : miles/hour : deg: Wind direction : degrees (meteorological) degrees (meteorological) degrees (meteorological) gust: . Manage deliveries with confidence by using tools that help you route accordingly. The large-scale north-westerly winds at upper levels channel into the valleys, especially in the northernmost and thus highest parts of the Gaurishankar and Makalu valleys, on 18December and are seen as strong down-valley near-surface winds during the day (Fig.5a) and during the night between 17 and 18December (Fig.S2a and c in the Supplement). (2015) studied the influence of valley geometry (e.g. Meteor. The World is Not Flat: Implications for the Global Carbon Balance, Bull. Convection was parameterised based on the KainFritsch scheme (Kain,2004) but only in domains d01 and d02. It access current weather data for any location on Earth including over 200,000 cities! Current, forecasted and historical Temperature, Pressure, Wind speed, Clouds, and others (15 layers in total) OpenWeather mobile app. Local winds in four valleys located in the Nepal Himalayas are studied by means of All site content, except where otherwise noted, is licensed under the. The onset and offset of the daytime up-valley winds occur approximately 2h after sunrise (06:50LT) and 1h after the sunset (17:12LT) respectively. Rajeev, K., Gunthe, S.S., and Kotamarthi, V.R.: Effects of spatial They propose that other valleys on the southern slope of the Himalayas would also act as sources of free-tropospheric aerosol. If you have some other questions, feel free to contact us. Hersbach, H., Bell, B., Berrisford, P., Hirahara, S., Hornyi, A., Plain-to-valley winds, and further along-valley winds, stem from the uneven warming of the valley atmosphere and the air above the adjacent plain. Marinoni, A., Mirme, S., Molteni, U., Petaja, T., Riva, M., Rose, C., The valley atmospheres warm 46K between 09:00 and 15:00LT on20December. 2012 2022 OpenWeather All rights reserved, Minimum temperature at the moment. and Collins, W.D.: Radiative forcing by long-lived greenhouse gases: If you need to actually have the Item state be km/h without using Units of Measure to convert between units, you need to create a proxy Item and a Rule to post the km/h value to the Proxy Item. The amplitude of the diurnal cycle is slightly larger in the middle of the valley than at either the valley entrance or the valley top. Daytime up-valley winds are found in all four valleys on each day of the simulation (Fig.5); along-valley winds are discussed in detail in Sect.4.1. So now you can see all the weather data of a city has been accessed. Calculations with the AER radiative transfer models, J. Geophys. . It is a fast and easy-to-work weather APIs. Here, we define the amplitude of the diurnal cycle to be the difference between the maximum and minimum value of - in Fig.11. Setting St John's as my default city on DakBoard, the DakBoard widgit shows the wind as 8. 2014a.a, Giovannini, L., Zardi, D., deFranceschi, M., and Chen, F.: Numerical Sci., 70, 40414066. Gayno, G., Wegiel, J., and Cuenca, R.H.: Implementation and verification of As this study concentrates on the daytime up-valley wind layer, the colour map for the wind shading is not optimal for wind speeds exceeding 10ms1. Time steps with wind speeds observed below these thresholds are neglected in the following comparison. In your Rule you need to just supply the units you want. The night-time along-valley winds are weak and flow mostly in the up-valley direction. J. Headquarters in London, UK. The grid points on both slopes are selected to have the same elevation gain with respect to the valley centre line height and, thus, can differ regarding their horizontal distance from the centre line. the valley width increases) from the along-valley grid point 40 (xaxis in Fig.3b), at the valley floor elevation of 3000m, towards the valley top (along-valley grid point 0). Based on the along-valley winds, aerosol and its precursors could be ventilated into the free troposphere from the other three valleys as well. The vertical structure of the along-valley wind component and the potential temperature above the valley centre lines are plotted in Figs.8 and 9 on 20December at 09:00 and 15:00LT respectively. In the Makalu and Kanchanjunga valleys, the wind speed is up to 4ms1, and the flow depth is 10001500m above the valley centre lines. ), Number of lines returned by this API call. Liu, Q., Chen, Y., Han, Y., Cucurull, L., Reynolds, R.W., Rutledge, G., and Follow the instruction on screen to complete the set up. Adding OpenWeatherMap to your Home Assistant instance can be done via the user Is there a configuration to retrieve the speed as km/h? Although the large-scale flow during the studied 4d period is similar to the 40-year climatology, the results are subject to uncertainty, due to the short simulation period, and may not be valid under different or more time-variable large-scale forcing. Sci. The WRF raw output dataset is available upon request (contact author). Got questions? The key itself may take a couple of hours before it is activated. the lowest 1500m from the ground). Dynam., 8, 507528,, 2017.a, b, kkeene44: Finalize WRFV4.4.2 by merging release-v4.4.2 branch onto master, Github [data set], (last access: 11 January 2023), 2022.a, Lai, Y., Chen, X., Ma, Y., Chen, D., and Zhaxi, S.: Impacts of the Westerlies
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