made festival sniffer dogs

Indeed, the review recommended abolishing the act altogether. This post may contain affiliate links. Since the NSW drug sniffer dog program launched in the early 2000s, there's been a lot of concern around whether it violates civil liberties. For people who do go into festivals, including people who are carrying no drugs at all, dog indications can, and have, been the catalyst for some appalling experiences. Because music, drugs and the fear surrounding them are a great political tool. True story, was going to a camping festival and had a lot of weed/MDMA/tabs not hidden very well in the car. Researchers tested drugs dogs and . "Despite the best efforts of police officers, the use of drug detection dogs has proven to be an ineffective tool for detecting drug dealers. Please edit your content to remove the highlighted words below. You will defs get caught if you smuggle weed into the festival. While some locations that were labelled as containing drugs contained neither drugs nor sausages. "They then pull me out of the line . My dear misunderstood Jammie Dodger what are you implying? And an indication from a drug dog can be all the police need to search you without your consent. Dogs will often sniff their way through cars, bags, and up and down the legs of festival goers. For example, if you were to bring a tub of spaghetti bolognese, the dog can smell beef, tomatoes, pasta, herbs etc. I don't think you know what you're talking about, or at the very least, your supposed sheriff friend doesn't know shit. With that in mind, let us talk about how much does a sniffer dog cost. The first phase of training begins when dogs are aged between six and nine months. Drug detection dogs tracing the lines out front of music festivals has become the norm in New South Wales. Don't look sketchy and you'll be fine, get past them all the time. Flett adds that there are several factors that could stop a dog from picking up on a scent. fair play that's pretty reassuring! 'GOLD' membership. We go to great lengths to help users better understand their dogs; however, the content on this blog is not a substitute for veterinary guidance. But are the police really addressing those dangers by employing the use of sniffer dogs at the entrances to music festivals? The contents of legal highs are toxic, even plant-based ones. But just how effective are these dogs - and what does this mean for your rights? Whether you need someone for a couple of hours or even a whole month in Wattrelos, Pawshake can help to match you with your perfect dog sitter. The experiment was double blind; the experimenters were not aware whether a location was a decoy containing a pair of sausages or a decoy containing what the handlers had been led to believe was cannabis.. Registered charity number 801118. Parents can feel more certain about their children's safety by using a K9 program with highly trained nicotine detection dogs to sniff out vaping. Clear editor. Perhaps most telling, despite the fear she felt, it didnt stop her from taking drugs. I was at spring awakening in chicago waiting in line with my boy when a german shepherd comes up to this guy about 6 feet away from us, smell his crotch, and sits down with his nose pointed at guy. Everyone who goes into a festival is searched, but some still sneak in drugs (Image: Rowan Griffiths) It's hard to dislike music festivals. Bail Granted Before All Charges Dropped Over Sexual Assault and Strangulation Allegations, Charges of Sexual Touching Without Consent Dropped, Bail Granted Despite Allegations of Serious Child Sexual Offences, Not Guilty of Sexual Touching Without Consent, Bail Granted Over Alleged $7 Million Money Laundering Operation, Sexual Touching and Assault Occasioning ABH Charges Withdrawn, and No Conviction Recorded for Common Assault, Bail Granted for 4 Charges of Supplying a Prohibited Drug and Possessing Fraudulent ID, District Court Severity Appeal Successful for Middle-Range Drink Driving, No Criminal Record, Licence Disqualification or Fine for Mid-Range Drink Driving, RMS Driver and Rider Licence Suspensions Set Aside on Appeal, RMS Driver Licence Suspension Set Aside for Red P-Plater, No Criminal Record for Mid Range Drink Driving, NSW Police Are Still Using Sniffer Dogs to Arrest Over Tiny Amounts of Cannabis, Sniffer Dogs: False Positives and Limits to Police Powers, Sniffer Dogs, Searches and Your Rights at Mardi Gras, Sniffer Dogs: Providing a Factual Basis for Suspicion, Preventing Deaths from Drug Overdoses: Sniffer Dogs Are Not the Answer, State-Sanctioned Sexual Assault: The Rally to Ban Strip Searches at Silverwater Gaol. We need to stop the culture of fear before its too late for somebody else. Going to a major UK EDM festival this summer with some friends and will have to deal with sniffer dogs for the first time - they were recently introduced cause drug use got so common at this festival. First Off, Some Background Info Police need to obtain a warrant to conduct a drug dog operation at events. Festivals, unfortunately, represent one of the few caveats to the above. sniffer dogs were introduced to new south wales around the time of the sydney olympics, but even after two decades as part of the police armoury in the war against drugs, instead of catching drug suppliers, or deterring drug users and dealers, drug dog operations have led to tens of thousands of innocent people being subjected to the humiliation Giving consent to search as a condition of entry means that police can effectively conduct blanket searches, with dogs or otherwise. The point of requiring reasonable suspicion is to make sure were not searched arbitrarily*,For police to do so would be a breach of the Police and Criminal Evidence Act (PACE) 1984,which outlines the laws surrounding stop and search. try your own bunghole that way nobody can run away with your shit in thier hole. I acted as a police escort at a festy in the US where i would yell out loud every few seconds that the cops were coming so they had no chance on sneaking up on anybody. As I watched, I became increasingly convinced that the dog handlers were the ones covertly selecting their targets, rather than the dogs themselves. Turns out, theres research supporting Oxenhams hypothesis. El_quinto Connoisseur of fine Cannabis #3 El_quinto, Aug 20, 2016 Easy fix bro. Its quite a boring job for the dog very repetitive and the dogs get tired. 20 Acts To See At V Festival 2009: My friend and I were both shitting ourselves because we both had stuff on us. Freedom of Information requests found that only 12 percent of those searched as a result of a dog indication were found to be in possession of drugs. bring in glass or weapons! "A sniffer dog came up and sat next to me," one punter who was recently refused entry to another HSU-run festival, Knockout Circuz, shares with The Music. Firstly, its worth noting that not all dogs at the festival will be drug detection dogs. This is an unbeatable method that i use and would HIGHLY recommend. If they were real drug sniffing dogs they would have a heart attack from being so surrounded by drugs. Even if they found a bit of weed on you, doubt they'll do anything more than take it off you. The bloodhound is a beast when it comes to tracking and finding missing people. Sick. Does this mean, then, that searches based on sniffer dog indications are an unlawful breach of privacy? Theres supply because there is demand, no matter how illegitimate we pretend that demand is. If they had to stop everyone a dog smelt with weed the que would still be there come friday night. If a dog is searching a car and someones got a McDonalds bag under their seat, its still going to be motivated by that its just a dog but its rare. The choice of picking the best sniffer dog breeds lies on your shoulders. I recently spent a full day at a major music festival observing police drugs dogs sniffing around the entrance, while their handlers bundled off festivalgoers into a nearby tent to have their internal orifices examined by policemen with latex gloves, Oxenham writes. May have been stupid but I will tell you when we got on the other side, the first hit/trip was felt better then anything ever before. And every year we get the same results. 17:35, 9 JUN 2019. "Any other expensive and ineffective police program that got it wrong this often would be scrapped," Shoebridge said. The Dynamic Dachshund A.K.A, Weiner Or Sausage Dog. A report released by New South Wales Greens MP David Shoebridge in 2011 showed that according to NSW Police figures, in a staggering 80 per cent of cases sniffer dogs came up with a false positive. Theres a reason why dogs have historically been trained to sniff out contraband, Nunn says: A dog has got something like 250 million nose receptors and weve got like two million. That means in three-quarters of cases, the dogs were wrong. They may signal that someone is carrying drugs when they are not, or they might fail to identify someone who does have drugs on them. Similarly to the cases above, it was introduced after the European Court of Human Rights ruled that the use of surveillance technology, namely phone tapping devices, lacked a basis in legislation and was therefore illegal. Oxenham ends his article by citing a 2012 study of ecstasy users, which found a minority of users responding to the sight of drug dogs by immediately consuming all of their drugs, putting themselves at risk of overdose. Sniffer dogs will be used and prosecutions made. But amid all the arguments, one thing remains obvious: sniffer dogs detect drugs. Yo all Wanna ask the rollitup users there ways of smuggling smelly items into festivals Im not to sure how to go about it, im going to my first festival in 4 weeks and im not a big drinker Any how my idea was to put the goods in a ballon in a zip bag wraped again in duct tap tight and put. Thats what happened in 2009, when according to The Age, Kalamunda teenager Gemma Thoms swallowed three ecstasy tablets before entering the Big Day Out because she was afraid shed be caught with the drugs by police and their dog units. Alcohol wipe any package used and clean hands after touching drugs to put into a bag. Tel Aviv. The pair were joined by NSW Greens MP Jenny Leong, who echoed claims made by her colleague Shoebridge. big myth about sniffer dogs In the early 2000s, NSW became the first state to introduce drug detection dugs. The dogs nose is so sensitive that they will pick up on it.. German Shepherd Yet another extremely common dog breed used by the police forces is the German shepherd. Check out r/SupportingRedditors Tiredness can play a factor, particularly at festivals, he says. This could see droids replace sniffer and disease-detection dogs in the future. Angel . Worse, could the use of dogs actuallybe adding to the risk of harm by those determined to take drugs at festivals? Also bleach will only work for some scents and not others. It also depends on the age of the dogs, temperature of the day, the amount of people coming in, the amount of rest breaks Theres a general rule that dogs should do 20 minutes on and 20 minutes off, but what you tend to find at festivals is that they work a lot more at peak times and less at quieter times., It could also come down to how much drugs are on someone if they enter the venue at the same time as a lot of people, or later on in the day. In a local court in New South Wales, a magistrate ruled in 2002 that use of sniffer dogs amounted to an illegal search, since it was lacking in reasonable grounds. The Police Powers (Drug Detection Dogs) Act 2001 gives police the right to use sniffer dogs outside any venue selling alcohol, any sporting match or music festival, train station, at any public place in Kings Cross, andinterestinglyinside any tattoo parlour. Shiiit thats intense as fuck haha. How to Manage Your Dogs Grooming Anxiety: Helpful Tips and Tricks, A Concise List of Emotional Support Dog Requirements, Are Doodles Hard to Train? And what if you wrap ket in clingfilm, put it in a bag inside a Pringles tube and wrap your sleeping bag around it?, Facing The Music. And according to all the evidence, he's mostly right. But, it did not work. Yeah we may end up going for the johnny up the arse routine, literally impossible to get caught that way but well see, might end up just going for the smell proof bags like you said. Swallowing three pills in quick succession, Thoms soon started exhibiting strange behaviourwas escorted to a first-aid room when her teeth began to chatter and she looked sick. The dogs are allotted to their personal handlers where they bond and build a trusting and close relationship. Ten years later, the British Transport Police have voiced their own doubts. If you agree to a search with security, they can only check your bags, pockets and outer layers of clothing and only on entrance to the premises. Beagles are often used as drug dogs whereas bomb dogs are loads of other breeds. The debate over the effectiveness of sniffer dogs continues to rage. Its time policy makers take a step back and actually look at the numbers. "We have two arms," explains CEO John McHugh. ", "$2000 per hour for a dog who will 60 to 80 percent of the time sniff out someone who is not carrying any drugs $6000 per hour for an operation to subject festival goers who are not carrying drugs to strip searches," said Shoebridge, who heads up the anti-drug dog Sniff Off campaign. All News; New Releases . According to Big Thinks Simon Oxenham, the targets sniffer dogs choose may have less to do with the dogs senses and their training, than their police officer handlers, who may be the ones actually calling the shots. August 22, 2006 at 9:37 am #724811. lucky me eh? The most extensive study so far was conducted by the Privacy Ombudsman of New South Wales in 2006. We need to change our course on this issue. Or are the use of these dogs a waste of time and money? Ahahahaha wouldnt be surprised! The presence of sniffer dogs at music festivals makes people choose to take drugs earlier, faster or in higher quantities, according to research published in the International Journal of Drug Policy. Theres something uniquely ridiculous about festivals and the rumours they generate. More over looking for the big sashes to insure they're not being sold. But a dog could still sniff it. Its also been said that the dogs get it wrong most of the time, with experts increasingly questioning the use of drug sniffer dogs in policing and new research finding that they can be influenced by their handlers racial biases. Bag of coffee beans and I just put the pill bottle full of bud in the middle of it. The presence of sniffer dogs at festivals is making people choose to take drugs earlier, faster or in higher quantities, research has found. What about the myth that they can only track one type of drug at a time? As disturbingly callous towards privacy concerns as that statement is, its also wrong.According to the ABC, a 2009 study on ecstasy users and the used of sniffer dogs, authored by Dr Matthew Dunn from Deakin University, found that not only were the majority of those surveyed undeterred from taking drugs by the presence of sniffer dogs, but that if anything the dogs encouraged users to find ways around being caught. I was shocked to see that the dog handlers occasionally and seemingly randomly behaved in the same way when dogs sniffed punters bottoms, as when they had sat bolt upright next to a suspect. This led Oxenham to an intriguing suspicion. Any suggestions ? Stumbled across this today, it suggests the way festival goers are corralled in order to be sniffed on entry may be illegal. For more information, please read our privacy policy. Taken from the FAQ on the OFFICIAL DOWNLOAD SITE! The very fear that theparliamentarysecretary of the police described. The truth is, however, that the use of sniffer dogs has managed simply to slip through the net. document.getElementById("ak_js_1").setAttribute("value",(new Date()).getTime()); does not intend to provide veterinary advice. Whether they do it at an effective rate remains up in the air, but the fact that having drugs on you is very likely to set off a sniffer dog is just conventional wisdom, right? zero My latest painting, Mind Medicine a tribute to 18 year old died from mdma alone, how can this happen? NSW Police sniffer dogs at a music festival in Sydney in 2016. Credit: Fairfax Media The City of Sydney agreed on Monday night to give WorldPride another $300,000 to help beautify Oxford Street . This argument, she points out, has held in other jurisdictions; in one US case, Kyllo v. United States, the judge ruled that the use of thermal imaging to reveal that the defendant was growing cannabis in his house was a search, and therefore required a warrant. They are untested on humans and they do kill. Seem many a people try to skip the dogs and drawing attention. However, the dogs are not 100 per cent reliable. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. is this for getting into the campsite, or for getting into the arena? 'Extraordinary rise' in strip-searches by . There are many reasons you may consider getting drug-sniffing dogs. Here it is, the ultimate list of the top ten best drug-sniffing dog breeds in order: The most common trait these dogs share is their long, slender noses. news. Board Masters 2021 HIGHLIGHTS Watch on Scott Abberton Senior Editor at MusPad bring in glass or weapons! Festival season is fast approaching and across the UK sniffer dogs will be on the scent for festival-goers' drugs. Well she tried to find it and it wasn`t up there! I doubt they'll be up for it though, you seem to know a suspiciously large amount about this. Meh i'm still bringing a 10 bag. Tick to subscribe, untick to unsubscribe from any newsletters below: Get unlimited access to the coverage that shapes our culture.

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made festival sniffer dogs