harry is married to lucius fanfiction

With You Warnings: underage Summary: Harry and Lucius have an accident that forces them to bond. Author:maraudersaffair Rating: NC-17 Author: Sestra_Prior But ever since she met a man named Lucius Malfoy in the bookstore everything changed for her and for the him. Rating: M Harry learns something upsetting about Draco and runs away. Warnings: mpreg, non con, OOC Summary: His lovers kicks him out and he loses their child, but in time times will be okay. He stood before a charmed window and watched the rain. Author: keikokin Summary: Written on 13 May 2006 in response to eaivalefays prompt of Harry/Lucius: love, vows, elegant. Warnings: BDSM Rating: NC-17 Erastes Author: alafaye Summary: Professor Malfoy catches Harry outside the dorms after curfew. Rating: NC-17 Summary: Harry thinks his animagus form is sexier than his human form. Author: npetrenko Author: Anne Phoenix Ebony and Silver Raindrops Author: Madam Osiris Summary: Harrys search for the Horcruxes is cut short when he is captured and thrown into a life of sexual servitude to Voldemort and his Death Eaters. The Room of Desire Rating: PG-13 Author: annescriblerian Warnings: abuse, non con, violence, torture The profiler idea comes from Nefernat. Two Accidents Are Better Than One Author: keikokin A i kdyby jeho ivot visel na vlsku, nikdo by mu nepomohl. Summary: Harry and Dracos wedding day. Shadows On Snow Summary: Some idiot invented a potion after the war that gives whoever consumes it the characteristics of a Veelaand people keep taking it to find their mates or impress their lovers. Rating: NC-17 Summary: Lucius decides to break in his latest pet and give the rest of his boys a show at the same time. Author: SilverWolf7007 Summary:Harry meets spirits light and dark alike. Going Down Author: WithDemonWings Author: keikokin Summary: Lucius Malfoy wants Harry Potter. Foretaste Rating: R Warnings: BDSM Summary: Draco overhears something that should stay behind the closed doors of the Manor. Summary: Harry Potter is Jane Eyre! Summary:The last thing Harry expected when he defeated Voldemort and Kingsley was made Minister was the whole wizarding world to shift into a state of hyper-paranoia. Familiar Scars* See notes for a more detailed summary. Rating: M Summary: Landing back in time and falling in love with not one but two wizards was surprisingly enough not Dumbledores doing. Author: Swanky Author: Rachel Could You Love Me? Pairings: Harry/Lucius/Draco Warnings: D/s, bonding fic, spanking Author: Kindred Summary: To Lucius, with a temptation of one as young and innocent as Harry, there is no right or wrong. Author: ldybastet Or is he? Repercussions of a Time Traveling Father Metamorphose Author: Sestra_Prior Rating: NC-17 Alia Guest Bralon Guests Posted February 12, 2014 Rating: NC-17 Summary: Harry and Lucius both wind up in St Mungos as allies. One, a girl, had long blonde hair which fell to the middle of her back in gentle waves, and beautiful emerald eyes. Summary: Harry is changed, Snape lives, and Lucius ends up helping the Boy-Who-Lived more than any of them ever expected. For Refuge* Warnings: character bashing Summary: Lucius Malfoy is Harry Potters One True Love. Rating: R Author: alafaye Rating: NC-17 Rating: R Speechless* Warnings: BDSM, character death, non con, darkfic Summary: Fluffy and smutty. Summary: Harry is the son of Lucius Malfoy and James Potter. Reliquary Decision Summary:Harry is feeling lost and turns to Lucius to find a stable ground. Redemption Warnings: dubcon, BDSM, verbal humiliation Author: angel_writer1 Theres No Point In Living If You Cant Feel Alive Sequel: Their Worse Than Killing Lust* The Way You Look Tonight Apocalypse* Sequel: Of Purebloods and Wings Has all been lost to Voldemort, or is there still hope? Author: Deirdra Fight, if you can win, flight if you cant. I have tried to oblige. Author: Xandria HP/LM Later: HP/? Author:MarauderNextGen Summary:After the war, Harry finds out just how exhausted he is. Summary: Lucius invokes an ancient wizarding law; Harry pays the price. Rating: PG A Little More Pain Lucius has grown bored of his slave and invokes Montagues Law, a public and cruel repudiation of ownership. Summary: Harry is turned over to Lucius Malfoy as part of a peace treaty after the deaths of both Voldemort and Dumbledore. Warnings: non con Summary: Snape tries to control damage, until damage starts controlling him. Why? Summary: Lucius says one final goodbye to his love. A Reward For Service Author: FrankieSpitfire Warnings: time travel After Dinner Rating: PG Well he is as devious as ever. Rating: NC-17 The Loathing In Those Green Eyes, sequel to The Cost of Change Summary:What happens when Lucius Malfoy gets drunk and married at the same time? Author: Kandakickass Now they deal with more. Author: Aisling Warnings: mpreg, some het Warnings: mpreg, character death Warnings: implied past mpreg Loose Ends* Rating: NC-17 Every Breath You Take Summary: A Dictionary Drabble based on the word oubliette., A Life Together Dealing with friends, enemies and love, proves to be much more difficult. Warnings: implied non con, dubcon, enslavement Summary:A mysterious hitman starts to work for Voldemort and shows a special interest in Lucius. Summary: You will not say my name. Rating: PG-13 Can Lucius and Harry save the day? Warnings: OOC Green Lights Rating: PG to NC-17 Warnings: darkfic, non con, asphyxiation, child abuse, bloodplay Warnings: BDSM, orgasm denial, snake!sex, pwp An Eye For An Eye Unwilling at first, they stick together and try to get along. The wizarding world heads into war as he begins 7th year & nobody expects him to be Dark. Rating: NC-17 Warnings: non con, kinks Warnings: creature!fic, veela, threesome Am I Beautiful Warnings: mpreg, underage Author: imera Author: keikokin Summary: Lucius would have expected that defiant spark and that innocence to have faded. Warnings: BDSM, various kinks, toys, crossdressing, DP, Summary: Harry was happy with what he had; a loving godfather, a lovely godson and he was in a kind of a relationship with the man he had been in love with since he was fourteen. Author:Lomonaaeren Summary: Once fallen into the Pit, even the strongest of us cant crawl out by ourselves. Author: Chaos Goddess Author: vlredreign Author: Slinky-and-the-BloodyWands Summary: Three months after Voldemorts victory, Harry Potter arrives at Malfoy Manor in a small convoy of the Dark Lords most loyal, clothed in rags, stripped of his wand, his magic suppressed, but his eyes still blazing. Lessons in Mouthing Off Challenges: 193. Why has Lucius had it watching from the sidelines? Rating: PG-13 Author: softlysweetly A Gift of Pearls Trifecta* Separately each man has Harry until they join together to show him just how mind-blowing things can be between them all. Rating: PG-13 Rating: NC-17 Pairings: Lucius/Harry/Draco Inspired by the song Trouble by Coldplay. No one could remember the waythe maze is hugeso there have to be clues, signs to guide someone through, but I dont know what they are, or even how to look for them. Rating: NC-17 He Defines Me* Rating: NC-17 Fallen and Forgotten* What will happen when feelings start to emerge between the pair? What happens when Lucius Malfoy walks in? Granted Obliviate Warnings: BDSM, threesome, PWP Pairings: Harry/Draco, Harry/Lucius The White Winged Angel Author: volume malfoy-manor. Author: Iulia Linnea Summary: The day of reckoning has arrived. Summary: Returning to Britain holds some serious challenges for the three men. Author: keikokin Love and Death The plan had been working till now. Lucius, restored to his rightful place at the Dark Lords side, has seen greater challenges than this before. Summary: No summary provided. A Means of Survival Rating: M Pairings: Harry/Snape, Harry/Lucius, Harry/Others Summary: After awakening with Lucius, Harry is in no doubt that he likes cock, Lucius almost more than his own. Summary: Potter has no business invading Luciuss personal sanctuary and hes going to pay for it. Warnings: dark!Harry Rating: R Warnings: darkfic, non con, violenceSummary: Sequel to my Surrender drabble for BelovedEnemies; Written to Avril Lavignes Im with You on repeat at 3:30 in the morning. Love Blossoms Anew Rating: NC-17 How incredibly easy it is to murder someone? Author: Veritas (moltensulfur) Author: annescriblerian Double-crossed by their architect, and running behind schedule on their current job, they have to come up with a new architect fast. Summary: And now, Mr Potter, you will tell me exactly what you did to my son.. Warnings: threesome, double penetration Summary: Narcissa broke her marriage contract with Lucius. Messrs Spank Take A Short Sharp Trip to Dracos Botty Land Rating: PG-13 Harry is 17 when they get together. Rating: T Rating: NC-17 Warnings: mpreg, creature!fic, AU Rating: NC-17 In it, Harry recounts their whirlwind romance and explains why he had to leave. Summary: Forced to attend yet another Ministry party, Harry decides to drink his way through it. Rating: PG-13 Land, Sky and Higher Author: Slayer of Destiny A White Coat For My Blond Warnings: darkfic, character death Rating: R How is Harry to manage sharing his life in two very different worlds? Rating: R It upsets a lot of what Harry thought true. Because a life as the Dark Lords pet is very demanding and is leading him further away from the man he loves. Warnings: character death, OOC Rating: NC-17 Summary: Hes got a family now, hes told. Warnings: enslavement Summary: After tiring of using Draco and a Polyjuice Potion, Lucius finally gets his hands on the real Harry Just once before he hands him over. Warnings: mild BDSM, threesome and foursome, crossdressing Rating: PG-13 Theres nothing you can do, and youve got precious little left to bargain with.. Not sure if I actually have plot, besides them having great sex eventually. Author: ntamara The Boy who Lived, a slave? Lucius is an irritating but welcome customer. Summary: A distant wizarding empire sends an envoy to Voldemort to ask for moderation in his dealings with Muggles and Muggle-born. Author: vlredreign Warnings: violence, implied torture Summary:Harry just wants the man to smile, and the man? Summary: Harrys travel to the past changes the present. See what happens when a little meeting between the two becomes more than anyone dreamed. Summary: Harry and Lucius put the Great in the Great Hall of Hogwarts. Holy War* Summary: The Wizarding World is under threat again. Warnings: mpreg Lucius agrees on one condition: as long as Draco agrees to take the Polyjuice Potion. Summary: As it tends to be with Malfoys, nothing is what it seems to be. Morphine* Summary:How does Lucius react when the grounds are being over run by golf balls? Author: Aisling Summary: Lucius and Harry are opposing knights in a tournament. Sequel: A Tryst that Becomes More Author: suki blue Rating: R Warnings: mpreg The Love of Living Together Warnings: BDSM, non con, incest, character death, crossdressing, self-harm, underage, threesome, voyeurism, OOC Warnings: crack!fic, OOC Rating: NC-17 Rating: NC-17 Rating: PG School Daze Author: RoonilWazlibMalfoy Warnings: underage, PWP Held In Darkness* Summary: Even the most devious Slytherin sometimes finds it necessary to change his plans, especially when confronted with a particularly sneaky Gryffindor. Prequel of Goodbye Alice in Wonderland (WIP). Summary: Lucius Malfoy is not a happy man. A Civil Union Author: keikokin Summary: After Severus recovers his human horcrux Voldemort gives him the task of breaking him in. Usually, a busty older woman but when Draco came home today, he saw a petite boy with crazy hair and empty eyes. Summary: When confronting Draco on his treatment of Hermione, Harry is accidentally port-keyed to a lavish bathroom in Malfoy Manor. Author: Hijja The potion was placed in the bathroom cabinet in case Harry wished to take it again. Author: Shuna Summary: In the corner of the pleasure district lies a store that can heal you. The Cost of Change* Author: PhoenixFire26 Author: Minxie Pairings: Harry/Lucius, Harry/Severus, Harry/Others Warnings: light bondage, breathplay Warnings: bondage, toys Summary: Eight years after Harry defeated Voldemort he returns to the UK to discover a new love interest and life. Rating: NC-17 Author: keikokin Rating: M Pairings: Harry/Lucius/Ron Summary: Desperate times call for desperate plans, or so Harry believes. Summary: He should not be charmed by Lucius, not when he knew all too well how that charm could be played against his enemies. Unexpected Love* Harry does, and his lovers do, and they both give him gifts he couldnt get elsewhere. What Do You Get For the Death Eater Who Has Everything? Harry works in a gay club Cazzo and hes rather slutty. Harry trying to teach Lucius the meaning of the word no. Summary: Evidence in the case of the abduction of Harry Potter: journal entries by Lucius Malfoy, lead suspect. Rating: R Rating: R Rating: NC-17 Lucius Malfoy Is My Husband Summary: It is said, that the kingdom of Hogwarts was as peaceful as it was because of the power of the Protector Stone. Summary: After the mishap at the Ministry Lucius went to Azkaban. Unexpected Encounter Unfortunately, Seamus doesnt deal well when he feels threatened. Author: katiedid55 Rating: R Warnings: character death, torture, dark!fic Thanks to Muggle Technology, he is able to reach out and touch someone. Summary: Harry Potter cant escape his ancestry, or the consequences of coming back from the dead. Comments: 9 Kudos: 171 Bookmarks: 53 Hits: 11484 Summary: A tragedy at the end of Harrys seventh year makes him redefine his perception of reality. Author: Lomonaaeren Summary: Harry, Ron, and Hermione were in trouble. Rating: NC-17 Snape On a Holiday* Author: CloudLover1984 Warnings: non con, intoxication, breath play Author: Hijja A Clock of Gold and Pearls Rating: PG Author: xxxiliveforthefuturexxx For some reason Im channeling Lucius in the first person. Rating: R Dictionary Drabble- Wile. Warnings: non con, violence, character death Author: lady of clunn Summary: Harry and Draco have been going steady for a while now, but Harry has a secret. Author: mortenavida Rating: NC-17 Rating: NC-17 Hes having a party. Summary: A very disgruntled Malfoy decides that Albus Dumbledore had it right all along. Rating: PG Lucius is happy to take advantage, AO3** | LJ | Chinese translation | Italian translation | Italian translation 2**. Warnings: mpreg, non con, creature!fic, AU What does he do? Rating: NC-17 Rating: PG-13 Summary:Why did Harry changed sides? Lucius is seeking revenge and Harry is going to pay, but at what price to both of them? This is how Harrys Christmas goes when his best friend/brother doesnt believe a word he says. Warnings: character death Summary: Here, darling, Lucius says carefully from around the gilt edge of a wine goblet, settling into the winged-back chair that sits before the fire. In The Light Rating: NC-17 Rating: NC-17 Rating: NC-17 Pairings: Harry/Lucius, Harry/Marcus Ron. Rating: NC-17 Summary:Harry Potter, known to himself as 00H, gets kicked out of Potions by an angry Professor Snape and spends the evening on an adventure in Hogsmeade. Author: leni_jess Summary: HP Remix. Warnings: dark!Harry, character bashing Author: Anne Phoenix Pairings: Harry/Lucius, Harry/Snape, Harry/Draco, Harry/Other Author: Lomonaaeren Warnings: underage, non con Author: leni_jess Warnings: bondage, D/s Ecstasy* Author:CrimsonRose18 Summary: Harry and Lucius chase each others darkness away. Summary: As is to be expected. Author: eaivalefay The Joys of a Real Relationship Author: UnderStarrySkies Disagreement On the Carriage Warnings: non con, dub con, underage, bondage, D/s, violence, bloodplay, drugs, incest Luckily, Draco has Harrys number (in more ways than one). Confidant. Rating: PG Summary: Junk rooms or jail cells? Warnings: references to slavery Summary:There was no doubt at all, that it was Lucius vocation. Warnings: incest, mpreg, non con, gender issues Rating: R Pairings: Harry/Draco, Harry/Lucius Summary: If you dont remember your name, how far are you willing to go to get it back? Break him for me, my slippery friend. Forced to seek the help of two former deatheaters, Harry finds himself drawn to fulfill his new found desires. Warnings: OOC Warnings: darkfic, dubcon Warnings: mpreg, vague pairing description, creature!fic, abuse, mentions of non con, character!bashing Author: Anne Phoenix Summary: When Harry falls for the wrong Malfoy can he rectify his mistake? Pairings: Harry/Lucius, Harry/Severus Author: ausmac Rating: NC-17 Warnings: threesome, incest, mentions of torture and rape, suicide attempt, OOC Warnings: character death, suicide Harry has other plans. Summary: By the looks of things Lucius is also mesmerized by our juvenile adjudicator, his silver eyes trained on the boys face, never leaving, always assessing. Pairings: Harry/Lucius/Severus Hackneyed Summary:Harry is dead but theres a new soul around Kieran Lupin-Snape, and he has caught Lucius eye, and heart. Author: curia_regis Central Park Your email address will not be published. Summary: Severus and Harry want to involve Lucius in their play. Damn You, Riddle! Blood And Surrender Cut off from the outside world he was cast into Hell. Warnings: non con, violence, multiple partners Author: NeonDomino Or do they? Author: annescriblerian Rating: PG-13 Pairings: Harry/Lucius, Harry/Snape Rating: NC-17 All that was left was to follow the plan that Dumbledore had painstakingly crafted for this moment. Summary:When Professor Dumbledore sends Lucius and Draco Malfoy to collect Harry Potter from his relatives, neither of them expect to find a beaten and bloodied hero. Rating: R Rating: NC-17 Pairings: Harry/Lucius/Draco Rating: PG Pairings: Harry/Lucius/Severus Warnings: violence Sex ED AO3** |AFF | DA | FFN| Vietnamese translation. Rating: T Rating: NC-17 Rating: G NC-17 Author: Minxie Pairings: Harry/Lucius, Harry/Draco(/Other), Harry/Draco/Severus, Harry/Severus Pairings: Severus/Harry/Lucius Author: gmth Harry is maybe like 3 at this point. After much searching she finally discovers a possible cure. Author: ms_anthropy Warnings: mpreg, character death Cat and Mouse Rating: M The Waiting Game Warnings: polyamory Summary: This fic is part of the Beloved Enemies Harry/Lucius Fuh-Q-Fest. Rating: R Warnings: non con parody Author:Black Gargie Summary: Anti Lucius/Harry. Summary: Some games reveal much. Warnings: D/s, crossdressing Rating: PG-13 Summary:Harry is Lucius servant, but can he be something more? Author: Hainuwele Pairings: Lucius/Harry/Snape He has a plan to make things right again, but he ends up going a little further than planned. Bottoms Up He decides to have fun. so I hope you enjoy the story. Warnings: dub con, bondage, voyeurism Warnings: mentions of depression, death, suicide attempt Summary: Lucius has a gallery. Rating: NC-17 Rating: PG Pairings: Harry/Lucius/Severus Summary:For some reason, Lucius stopped aging when Narcissa left and now he cant understand why. Summary: The War is over, Voldemort is dead and the Light has lost. Author: LinW He applies for, and gets, the job of Defence Instructor at Durmstrang Institute. Rating: NC-17 Summary: Harry and Lucius share their Christmas together at Particular, an isolated Malfoy house deep in a silver wilderness. Secrets In Lace Summary:Professor Malfoy would like to speak with Professor Potter after dinner. When the 17 year old Harry grows tired of keeping up his appearance of being the Golden Boy of Gryffindor with hatred for Slytherins, he shows everyone just who the real Harry is. Rating: R Rating: R Summary: Their styles are different in subtle ways, ways that Harry loves to categorize. Rating: NC-17 Pairings: Harry/Lucius/Severus Summary: No summary provided. Author: keikokin Author: Maggie Summary: No summary provided. Rating: NC-17 Summary:Harry is almost twenty and ready to consider the next step with his mates, children. Rating: R Author: BornofStarlight A fluffy, mostly AU (but still magical!) Rating: NC-17 Author: elfflame Author: jeeps Harry just took a long time to realize that Lucius meant to kill him in another sort of way. Changing Norms Author: LadyWhiteRose2015 The Escritoire, part 3 of the Obedience and Instruction series Rating: NC-17 Will he accept their offer of joining the party? Author: LinW Walking a High Wire But nothing happens as expected if Harry Potter is involved. Summary:Future scene for Emerald Dancer :Severus and Draco are getting bonded, not a good day for surprises. Rating: NC-17 Summary: Faced with a new magical inheritance, Harry Potters life has just taken a sudden turn. Summary: No summary provided. Warnings: non con, humiliation, kink Summary: Draco breaks up with Harry and the Boy Who Got Voldy is devastated. Warnings:D/s, caning, masochism Their Lucky Day Summary:As Midsummer approaches, Harry has to decide whether to make a try at extending his and Luciuss temporary handfasting into a permanent oneor to trust that Lucius might try that himself. Author: katiedid55 Summary: Lord Lucius receives the sweetest gift of all from his friends, a darling little boy. My Rose in the Grey of Your Victory Switch* Warnings: prostitution, implications of future underage Summary: Draco is interested in Harry and invites him to the Manor but Harry is interested in Lucius. "The three older boys are married, Ron's engaged, and I doubt the twins or Ginny could best Lucius Malfoy in a duel. A Will Of Rusted Iron* Author: keikokin Pairings: Harry/Lucius, Harry/Snape Unfortunately, it depended on Snapes loyalty . Author: johari In His Best Interests (or The Miseducation of Harry Potter) Rating: NC-17 Rating: PG Rating: NC-17 Warnings: OOC Warnings: non con Author: Minxie Author: keikokin How Our Choices Define Us Un-betaed. No Better Seduction Rating: NC-17 Christmas tale. Author: Sestra_Prior Author: thorinsmistress Rating: NC-17 Warnings: AU, creature!Harry Author: amanuensis Warnings: underage, polyamory Rating: NC-17 Round Up Rating: R Rating: NC-17 Rating: NC-17 Not As Easy As It Looks As he struggles to walk this new path, he learns to rely on those he is now tied to. Rating: NC-17 WARNING - Lucius can be OOC. Author: Sestra_Prior Warnings: non con, indirect character death, bit of wangst Pairings: Harry/Lucius, Harry/Severus Warnings: mpreg (birth scene) A New Name Author: belleamant Rating: R Summary: Harry Potter has been hiding out in California, what happens when Severus and Lucius find him? Rating: R Rating: R Pairings: Harry/Lucius/Severus After a sip of tea, Harry put his cup down with another sigh and turned to face Lucius. Rating: NC-17 He didnt want to burden his family, now free of the darkness of his decisions, and he wouldnt be welcomed by a world he had done such harm to. Rating: NC-17 Just Once, sequel to Kiss It Better Rating: R Author: tigerblak Lucius caught Hermione's eye and she felt a moment of panic as he flexed his left arm. Summary: In a rapidly modernising world, Lucius has become an antique. Excidium Hope Gone* rays tire. Pairings: Harry/Lucius, Harry/Draco, Harry/DEs Rating: R implied LMHP and DMHP. A kind-of re-telling of 120 Days of Sodom. Summary: In private, Lucius and Harry tend towards mutual provocation. Soon he finds himself falling for someone who he once thought to be his enemy. Summary: Lucius and Harry heal each other. Summary:Ever wonder what Snape does during his summer breaks? Warnings: character death, violence A Nightly Encounter During The Triwizard Tournament Harry begins to experience dreams and possibly memories that are not his own. Heed Him Author: DictionaryWrites Summary: The missing kiss scene in Green Lights, then he kissed me and I thought I was dying. Warnings: mpreg, infidenlity, F/M, original characters Summary:Harry James Malfoy spends three Christmas days at the Burrow with his new kinky husband, Lucius Malfoy. Summary: They took his world away from him. Summary: Harrys dreams have led him to the one place hed hoped to never see again. Meant To Be AS | SH | AA | Italian translation** | Portuguese translation | Russian translation. Warnings: AU, non con, BDSM, incest, character death Best Served Cold Summary: Challange by Vincent Ayuru Ekholm, An abused damaged boy finds the ability to escape his life by shape changing. Author: isabeau gower Rating: NC-17 Author: fyren galan Rating: NC-17 Author:dudugodudugo Rating: M Rating: R Rating: PG Summary: The unspeakables are more than researchers, and they are not as secure as they think they are. To what lengths will they go to win? Pairings: Harry/Lucius, Harry/Draco Breathe Rating: PG-13 Rating: PG-13 Summary:Foul mouthed, rude, and angry. Summary: Rain in general sucks. With only the shoes on his feet, he has moved to France and opened a couture shoppe in a trendy Parisian neighborhood. Leave it to Draco to bring the hero into their home. Author:Jendra Summary:Harry just got back. For some reason Im channeling Lucius in the first person. Pairings: Harry/Lucius, Harry/Severus, Harry/Other A Helping Hand Summary: A short story, where Lucius introduces his spouse to the wizarding world. Summary: Just because Lucius got away with it doesnt mean hell get away with it. Very stream of consciousness. Author: blue soaring Alternate ending to the series. Memoirs of a Death Eater Whore: A Year and a Day* Time passes & things happen. The Fae* Author: SnapeRulesMaraudersDrool Rating: NC-17 Author: eeyore9990 Warnings: not slash Warnings: character death Pairings: Harry/Lucius, Harry/Severys, Harry/Peter, Harry/Others . Warnings: non con, kink, pwp Author: shamelessnameless Summary:Harry and Lucius have a great deal of business to settle, but also a great deal of pleasure. Rating: R Author: Irana Author: wishwords (ruhgozler) Warnings: mpreg But will he go too far? Under New Authority Summary:Harrys back at Hogwarts, coping with the upcoming war, Death Eaters, and unstable relationships of all types. Author: SnapeRulesMaraudersDrool Because if there is been anyone in his miserable life who loves him, its the stranger he met as a child, the stranger who gave him a gift and never wanted anything in return besides Harrys happiness. Last Wishes Pairings: Severus/Harry, Severus/Harry/Lucius Author: keikokin Summary:Harry is given the chance to end the war as long as he agrees to an unknown favour from Lucius and Severus. Touch Defiles Pairings: Harry/Lucius, Harry/Snape, Harry/Vernon, Harry/Draco, Harry/Other Author: Cut-Wrist Kate Summary: Harry receives an invitation from Lucius Malfoy but it soon becomes much more. Sequel: What Once Was* Rating: NC-17 Summary: The war had finally ended. Contrast From grief and sorrow came their friendship to each other, but with time came their love and bond to the other. Author: The Drow Warnings: character death, AU, dark!Harry Warnings: threesome, mpreg, character death Now engaged he is ready to not only marry but take the relationship to the next step physically as well. Summary: Lucius has a special Halloween present for Harry. Summary: A series of Vignettes chronicles the fall of Wizarding Society, the rise of the Dark, and the resistance. There are not many whose loss will truly sicken his soul. Warnings: threesome, dubcon Rating: NC-17 14 entries total. Summary: There was a young man who wasted time. Deadly Temptations Summary: After tiring of using Draco and a Polyjuice Potion, Lucius finally gets his hands on the real Harry Just once before he hands him over. A Fracture of the Minds Eye Rating: NC-17 AO3 | LJ | FFN | AFF| DW Part I, Part II. 253K 7.6K 27. Warnings: OOC Rating: NC-17 Written for Beloved Enemies inaugural Dictionary Drabbles challenge. Pairings: Harry/Lucius, Draco/Severus Buy a Prisoner Summary:Harry gets bored at another ministry function, so the men decide to spice things up a bit. Author:Sigil Dagger Author: forestgreen (Erin LaCroix) Proof Enough, sequel to Well Always Have Stockholm Summary: Lucius is unexpectedly sympathetic when Harry discovers that Grimmauld Place has burned to the ground. Sins of the Father Author: SnapeRulesMaraudersDrool Author: Luv 2 cry Rating: NC-17 Summary:Harry is a disgrace to the Ministry galas and the new Ministerwho can be very charminghas coaxed him into taking dance lessons with Lucius. Just a Little Game Rating: NC-17 Rating: NC-17 Warnings: underage Author: Hijja Please Oldest Trick Summary: Harry suggests to hire Lucius as DADA teacher in order to get information. Warnings: non con, bondage, bukkake A Small Sacrifice Pairings: Harry/Draco (mainly), implied Harry/Lucius Author: amy Rating: NC-17 Summary: Harry knows Lucius loves him. Author: kai Graduation Surprise Mutual Advantage* Warnings: incest, mpreg, D/s, character bashing Author: wolfiekins A Remedied Mistake, part of the Adventure in the Bedroom series

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harry is married to lucius fanfiction